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Andrew Tomas

Andrei Pavlovich Bończa-Tomaszewski (Russian Cyrillic: Андрей Павлович Бонча-Томашевский), also known as Andrew Paul Tomas, was a Russian-born accountant and writer of Polish-Italian descent who authored several books on alternative world histories and ufology. By his own account, Bończa-Tomaszewski was raised in and spent his early adult life in China, before relocating to Australia in the post-Second World War period; thereafter, he traveled through Europe, conducting research into Atlantis and associated materials, before settling in California during the 1970s.  Died, 1 November 2001 (95), Butte Co., California.

We are not the first

Riddles of ancient science

The development of modern science during the course of the past 400 years is merely a rediscovery of ancient knowledge.
Babylonian tablets affirm that sound could lift stones. The Bible speaks of Jericho and what sound waves did to it's walls. Coptic writings relate the process by which blocks for the pyramids were elevated by the sound of chanting. However, at the present state of our knowledge we can establish no connection between sound and weightlessness.
"Two theories can explain the artifacts described -- either there was some kind of technological civilization in a bygone past, or the earth has been visited by beings from other stellar worlds." -- Andrew Tomas, 1971

Book Details

  • Author: Andrew Tomas

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: 1st printing

  • Publisher: Souvenir Press Ltd.

  • Copyright: 1971

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Laffont Special  Edition



From Legend to Discovery

Why did the Aztecs constantly await the visitations of supreme rulers from an island in the east? Why did the ancient Egyptians believe that their culture-bearer, Thoth, had come from a land in the Western Sea? Andrew Tomas suggests that this land to the east of Mexico and to the west of Egypt was Plato's Atlantis, called Aztlan by the Central Americans. In antiquity one can find evidence of progressive scientific concepts. Their presence can be explained by a legacy left from a highly technological civilization which disappeared without a trace to live on only in the folk memories of all peoples.

Book Details

  • Author: Andrew Tomas

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First Printing  

  • Copyright: 1972

  • Publisher: Robert Hale & Co

  • Signed by author (blurred)

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On the Shores of Endless Worlds

The Search for Cosmic Life

Andrew Tomas dares to escape our earthbound views, assimilating biology, archaeology, geology, history and astronomy to make a new assessment of man's destiny in time and space, set in an infinite past and boundless future: on the shores of endless worlds. He finds a continuity between the inorganic and the organic, the human and the 'superman', the legends of the past and the possibilities of the future. Blending knowledge and speculation, liberating the imagination of the reader, Andrew Tomas has produced a book as fascinating as his bestselling WE ARE NOT THE FIRST."
  • Author: Andrew Tomas

  • Edition: First  Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Souvenir Press Ltd.

  • Copyright: 1974

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Shambhala: Oasis of light

New evidence of a mysterious hidden kingdom of advanced knowledge

 Legends of a mysterious kingdom beyond the Himalayas, of an oasis of advanced culture hidden deep in the mountains, have permeated our history for centuries.  The realm of Hiarchas described by the classical writer Philostratus seems remarkable in its similarity to the fantastic ream of Prester John of a thousand years later; then Roericn wrote of a hidden land in Central Asia, inaccessible except to the initiated...
Is this legendary kingdom a real-life Shangri La - the center of a world-wide brotherdood dedicated to the spiritual resurrection of mankind? Andrew Tomas presents impressive evidence from ancient Tibetan sources that Shambhala indeed exists and gives his theory that it has remained hidden through the eons of our 'civilization'.
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Book Details

  • Author: ndrew Tomas

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Sphere Books Ltd.

  • Copyright: 1977

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Signs, Stars and Seers

An Experiment in Historical Prediction


Book Details

  • Author: Andrew Tomas

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Topic Publications

  • Copyright: 1956

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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