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The Dawn of Conscience

The sources of our moral heritage in the ancient world


Man became the first implement-making creature not later than the beginning of the Ice Age, probably a million years ago, and possibly earlier. At the same time he also became the first weapon-making creature. for perhaps a million years therefore he has been improving those weapons; but it is less than five thousand years since men began to feel the power of conscience to such a degree that it became a social force. Physical force, reinforced by triumphant science during the last three centuries, wielding ever more cunningly devised weapons, has been operating for something like a million years; higher and more elusive inner capacities arising from social experience have been socially at work for only about five thousand years.

The Age of Weapons is thus doubtless a million years old; while the Age of Character made it's slow and gradual beginning between four and five thousand years ago. Ii is time that the modern world should catch something of the profound significance of this fundamental fact; it is time that it should become a part of modern education. It is therefore the purpose of this book to set forth the historical facts and to present the leading ancient records from which they are drawn, showing that we are still standing in the gray dawn of the Age of Character - facts that are a fair basis for dreams of a noonday, still very far away to be sure, but nevertheless yet to follow upon that dawn.
  • Author: James H. Breasted

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons

  • Copyright: 1933

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The Sumerians

Their History, Culture, and Character

The Sumerians, the pragmatic and gifted people who preceded the Semites in the land first known as Sumer and later as Babylonia, created what was probably the first high civilization in the history of man, spanning the fifth to the second millenniums B.C. This book is an unparalleled compendium of what is known about them.  Professor Kramer communicates his enthusiasm for his subject as he outlines the history of the Sumerian civilization and describes their cities, religion, literature, education, scientific achievements, social structure, and psychology. Finally, he considers the legacy of Sumer to the ancient and modern world.

Book Details

  • Author: Samuel Noah Kramer

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Publisher: University Of Chicago Press

  • Copyright: 1963

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

  • Author's cunieform hand written text

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Fair Gods and Stone Faces

Ancient Seafarers and the New World's Most Intriguing Riddle

This fascinating piece of archaeological detective work sets forth a new and provocative theory on the origin of Mexican and Central and South American civilizations. The author suggests that these Indian cultures did not spring up independently but as a result of pre-Columbian transatlantic contact between the Old world and the New.
  • Author: Constance Irwin

  • Edition: First Hardcover

      Advance copy March 8, 1963

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: St. Martin's Press

  • Copyright: May 1, 1963

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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The Morning Of The Magicians

Profound insights into the hidden history of humanity and our perceptions of reality with the scientific evidence that supports the existence of paranormal activity, telepathy, and extraterrestrial communications.
The first book to explore in depth the Nazi fascination with the occult, Pauwels and Bergier also broke new ground with their study of pyramidology, alchemy and its close kinship with atomic energy, and the possibility of a widespread mutation of humanity that would herald the dawn of a new age for the earth. Their study of secret societies, starting with the Rosicrucians, suggests that such changes are actively being pursued in the present day by a “conspiracy” of the most spiritually and intellectually advanced members of the human race.
The Morning of the Magicians also explores the anomalous events collected by Charles Fort, the work of Gurdjieff, and the history of the mysterious Fulcanelli, who was widely believed to have manufactured the philosopher’s stone--which provided the Nazis the motive for mounting an intensive search for him during their occupation of Paris. Much more than a collection of strange facts defying conventional wisdom, this book remains a sophisticated philosophical exploration of repressed phenomena and hidden histories that asks its readers to look at reality with ever “awakened eyes.”
  • Author: Louis Pauwels and

  • Jacques Bergier

  • Edition: First American Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Stein and Day

  • Copyright: 1964

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Forgotten Heritage

Trench looks at a number of the oldest stories of "creation" and considers the symbolic relics of those stories maintained in the form of modern beliefs, religious ideas and science.
  • Author: Brinsley Le Poer Trench

  • Edition: First

  • Printing: First

  • Copyright: 1964

  • Publisher: Neville Spearman

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Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings

Charles Hapgood’s classic 1966 book on ancient maps is back in print after 20 years. Hapgood produces concrete evidence of an advanced worldwide civilization existing many thousands of years before ancient Egypt. He has found the evidence in many beautiful maps long known to scholars, the Piri Reis Map that shows Antarctica, the Hadji Ahmed map, the Oronteus Finaeus and other amazing maps. Hapgood concluded that these maps were made from more ancient maps from the various ancient archives around the world, now lost.
Hapgood also concluded that the ancient mapmakers were in some ways much more advanced scientifically than Europe in the 16th century, or than the ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and Babylonian. Not only were these unknown people more advanced in mapmaking than any people prior to the 18th century, it appears they mapped all the continents. The Americas were mapped thousands of years before Columbus. Antarctica was mapped when its coasts were free of ice. There is evidence that these people must have lived when the ice age had not yet ended in the Northern Hemisphere and when Alaska was still connected with Siberia by the Pleistocene, ice age “land bridge.”

Book Details

  • Author: Charles H. Hapgood

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Chilton

  • Copyright: 1966

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The Path of the Pole

This riveting account of how earth's poles have flipped positions many times is the culmination of Hapgood's extensive research of Antarctica, ancient maps and the geological record. This amazing book discusses the various pole shifts in earth's history -- occurring when earth's crust slips in the inner core -- and gives evidence for each one. It also predicts future pole shifts: a planetary alignment will cause the next one on 5 May 2000! Packed with illustrations, this book is the reference other books on the subject cite over and over again. With millennium madness in full swing, this is just the book to generate even more excitement at the unknown possibilities.


Book Details

  • Author: Charles H. Hapgood

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Chilton Book Co.

  • Copyright: 1970

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Did Genesis Man Conquer Space?

Did Genesis Man - the patriarchs of the Bible, Adam to Methusaleh develop a highly advanced technology: space capability, laser beams, exotic energy sources? Was the earth once circled with a crystal canopy - rings of frozen ice like those of Saturn? Did Space Beings once mingle with earths population? Was the Great Pyramid an interstellar communication device? Is the Bible to be taken as literally true - with startling results? -Dr. Emil Gaverluk
There are several traditions amongst the actual recorded clay tablets of the Sumerians and the Babylonians that speak of the beginning of civilization, arts, crafts, laws, and knowledge. Mathematics came early. Libraries were known.
Their source of knowledge was from space, and all the archaeological artifacts that have been discovered relative to the Ancients relate this.
  • Author: Emil Gaverluk and Jack Hamm

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: Second printing

  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers

  • Copyright: 1974

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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The Realm of Prester John

Robert Silverberg, whose work is well known to science fiction fans, originally published The Realm of Prester John in 1972. The first modern account of the genesis of a great medieval myth — which was perpetuated for centuries by European Christians who looked to Asia and Africa for a strong ruler out of the east .
  • Author: Robert Silverberg

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: DoubleDay

  • Copyright: 1972

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Secrets of the Lost Races

New discoveries of advanced technology in ancient civilizations

An increasing number of historical and archaeological finds made around the world have been classified as "out-of-place artifacts" (ooparts). They have been called this because they appear unexpectedly among the ruins of the past with no evidence of a preceding period of development; their technological sophistication seems far beyond the capabilities of ancient peoples. Drawing on the literature and art of the Chaldeans, Sumerians, Babylonians and others, Rene Noorbergen's contention is that a superior race of man was responsible for these scientific marvels that bear testimony to a civilization with technology comparable to our own.
  • Author: Rene Noorbergen

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Bobbs-Merrill Co.

  • Copyright: 1977

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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From the ashes of Angels

The forbidden legacy of a fallen race

Provides convincing evidence that angels, demons, and fallen angels were flesh-and-blood members of a giant race predating humanity, spoken of in the Bible as the Nephilim.
Our mythology describes how beings of great beauty and intelligence, who served as messengers of gods, fell from grace through pride. These angels, also known as Watchers, are spoken of in the Bible and other religious texts as lusting after human women, who lay with them and gave birth to giant offspring called the Nephilim. These religious sources also record how these beings revealed forbidden arts and sciences to humanity--transgressions that led to their destruction in the Great Flood.
Andrew Collins reveals that these angels, demons, and fallen angels were flesh-and-blood members of a race predating our own. He offers evidence that they lived in Egypt (prior to the ancient Egyptians), where they built the Sphinx and other megalithic monuments, before leaving the region for what is now eastern Turkey following the cataclysms that accompanied the last Ice Age. Here they lived in isolation before gradually establishing contact with the developing human societies of the Mesopotamian plains below. Humanity regarded these angels--described as tall, white-haired beings with viperlike faces and burning eyes--as gods and their realm the paradise wherein grew the tree of knowledge. Andrew Collins demonstrates how the legends behind the fall of the Watchers echo the faded memory of actual historical events and that the legacy they have left humanity is one we can afford to ignore only at our own peril.

Book Details

  • Author: Andrew Collins

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Michael Joseph Ltd.

  • Copyright: 1996

  • Signed by author (blurred)

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Gods of Eden

Egypt's lost legacy and the genesis of civilization 


A groundbreaking historical documentation of the secret history of pre-Pharonic Egypt and the race of angels that built it.
Hidden deep below Egypt's Giza plateau is perhaps the key to unlocking the mysteries of the Great Pyramid, one of the seven wonders of the world. Built using a technology unequaled even today, the ancient Egyptians claimed they inherited their advanced culture from a race of Elder gods who lived during a previous age known as Zep Tepi, the First Time.
In his earlier companion book From the Ashes of Angels, renowned historical writer Andrew Collins provided historical and scientific evidence showing how these Elder gods, who were the flesh and blood members of a race of fallen angels, founded ancient Egypt. Now, in Gods of Eden, he describes the remarkable achievements of their culture.
Assembling clues from archaeology, mythology, and religion, Collins shows us how this great society mastered acoustic technology and employed the use of sound to raise heavy objects into the air and pierce holes through solid rock. It was with this technology that they were able to construct gigantic structures that have marveled adventurers and archaeologists worldwide. With findings based on more than 20 years of research and scholarship, Collins reveals the fascinating historical destiny of this culture of fallen angels and the imprints and legacies they left behind at the genesis of civilization.
  • Author: Andrew Collins

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Headline Book Pub.

  • Copyright: 1998

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The Giza Power Plant

Technologies of ancient Egypt

Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? The technology of harmonic resonance, claims renowned master craftsman and engineer Christopher Dunn.
In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering based on twenty years of research, Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device! By its size and dimensions, this crystal edifice created a harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted Earth's vibrational energies to microwave radiation. The author shows how the pyramid's numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with the deliberate precision to maximize its acoustical qualities. This may be the same technology discovered by Nikola Tesla and the solution to our own clean energy needs.
  • Author: EChristopher Dunn

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Bear & Co

  • Copyright: 1994

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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The Mars Mystery

The secret connection between Earth and the Red Planet 

In The Mars Mystery, investigative archaeologist Graham Hancock treats our growing knowledge of Martian topography as a Rosetta Stone we can use to decode mysteries as old as the human imagination. He examines the current landscape of Mars and discovers evidence that the planet was once home to a lush environment of dense atmosphere and flowing rivers, lakes, and oceans. He asks questions, based on growing evidence, that cannot be dismissed:
  • Has Mars ever sustained higher forms of life?
  • How might the secret history of Mars be intertwined with Earth's own past and future?
In his most riveting and revealing book yet, Hancock points to the intriguing possibility that ancient Martian civilization is communicating with us through the remarkable structures it left behind. Megaliths found on the parched shores of Cydonia, a former Martian ocean, mirror the geometrical conventions of the pyramids at Egypt's Giza necropolis. Especially startling is a Sphinx-like structure depicting a face with distinguishable diadem, teeth, mouth, and Egyptian-style headdress.
Might there be a connection between the structures of Egypt and those of Mars? Yet, as intriguing as scientists all over the world find the Cydonian discovery, NASA continues to balk at taking a more detailed look at the site and has veiled previous photographs and studies in a web of equivocation. In The Mars Mystery, Hancock makes a strong case that NASA is motivated by a lingering Cold War mentality and a fear that evidence of alien life will have destabilizing political, economic, and social consequences. In exploring the traces left by the Martian civilization and the cosmic cataclysm that may have ended it, The Mars Mystery is both an illumination of our ancient past and a warning which we still have time to heed about our ultimate fate.
  • Author: Graham Hancok

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Crown Publishing

  • Copyright: 1998

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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The Monuments of Mars

A City on the Edge of Forever

In 1976, NASA sent four Viking spacecraft to Mars to photograph the planet, including a mile-long mesa that uncannily resembles a human face. In this wide-ranging and profound analysis of the Mars data, Hoagland takes readers step by step through these NASA images and the evidence that a highly advanced civilization may have lived and built upon Mars hundreds of thousands of years ago. 50 photographs; 10 line drawings; maps and charts.

Book Details

  • Author: Richard C. Hoagland

  • Edition: First Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: North Atlantic Books

  • Copyright: 1987 June 1

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Atlantis in America

This text presents evidence for a new theory that the great stone spheres of Costa Rica and sighting stones throughout the Pacific were used to teach sea routes and constellation paths to navigators of the ancient world. It reveals substantial links between Meso-America and Egypt and the Middle East.

  • Author: Ivar Zapp & George Erikson

  • Edition: First

  • Printing: First

  • Copyright: 1998

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Signed by authors (blurred)

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The Mysterious Origins of Civilization

A worldwide exploration diving for the underwater ruins of a lost civilization, this book follows clues in ancient scriptures and mythlogy and in the scientific evidence of the flood that swept the Earth at the end of the last Ice Age. This text explores the question of early humans swept away by the catastrophe. Who were these populations – pre-civilised hunter-gatherers or more sophisticated peoples altogether? The text is written as a personal adventure involving the reader in the travels, the practicalities and the risks while developing the larger themes along the way, building up to the explosive revelation of a global mystery.

Book Details

  • Author: Graham Hancock

  • Edition: First American Hardcover

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Crown Publishers

  • Copyright: 2002

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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