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Anunnaki: Gods No More

Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin and Janet Kira Lessin explain the Anunnaki's involvement in human history. The giant olden gods, folks with high tech & their heirs chain us to short, hard lives. The "gods" rocketed here from the planet Nibiru & bred with Homo Erectus to create us as short term slaves & soldiers. We praised them & killed in their names: Allah = the Sumerian Nannar, Yahweh = Enlil, Adanoi = Enki. Read this book & transcend the "gods'"religions.
Sasha Lessin Ph.D (U.C.L.A. anthropology Ph.D.), author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site,, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitichin asked Lessin to create popular internet, book and college-level courses to revise ancient anthropology. Sitchin asked Lessin to help disseminate written, graphic and traditional stories of ETs, hithertofore considered mythic "gods" on Earth from 450,000 years ago to 300 B.C. as well as the latest findings in astronomy that relate to the planet Nibiru from which the ETs came to Earth for gold to shield their planet, Nibiru. To this end, Dr. Lessin and his wife, Janet (a lifelong contactee) present public slide shows, radio and youtube programs and lectures.
  • Author: Sasha Lessin Ph.D

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First, October 31, 2012

  • Publisher: CreateSpace

  • Copyright: 2012

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Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins

ET Influences on Humankind's Biological and Cultural Evolution
Toward a New Paradigm

Forward by Erich von Daniken. Arthur & Lynette Horn present their hypotheses on the extraterrestrial origins of our species. This book provides mankind with a new awareness that encapsulates & integrates many of the universal teachings for all people of all walks of life, from many dimensions of truth! Val Valerian, author of the Matrix books, states "A thought provoking journey that picks up where Zecharia Sitchin & William Bramley left off. A very vital piece of literature that provides a synthesis of existing work on human evolution, adds the unique perspective of anthropology & starts us well on our way into unknown territory behind the evolution of humanoid life forms on planet Earth."

Book Details


  • Author: Dr. Arthur David Horn

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: Dated by author 10/15/94

  • Publisher: A&L Horn

  • Copyright: 1994

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Second printing


Book Details


  • Author: Dr. Arthur David Horn

  • Edition: Fist Edition

  • Printing: Second printing August 1997

  • Publisher: A&L Horn

  • Copyright: 1994

  • Singed by Authors (blurred)

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The Anunnaki of Nibiru

Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have now come to light. Access to texts such as the Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the Bible and Qu'ran, merits rethinking Western civilization's origins and intent.
It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker, namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of. Many of the Niburians, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia.
The Anunnaki astronauts hailed from a planet, Nibiru, in our own solar system, whose apogee resides in a 3,600 retrograde elliptical orbit beyond Pluto. According to their records, likely using spectroscopy as scientists do today, they located gold on planet Earth. Due to a failing atmosphere on Nibiru, Anu their king, dispatched his preeminent scientist and first-born son, Enki, on a space mission to Earth to recover enough gold that could be ionized in a layer of their atmosphere, as a solar radiation shield.
Anunnaki gold mines in Africa have been found and carbon dated. Mining operations were occurring at the exact time and location that the "Genetic Eve Study" indicates: Womankind's genetic origins are undeniably linked to Enki's gold mining operation. Egyptian Queen Sheba's mines ring a bell? Michael Tellinger followed the Sumerian account to Africa, locating many of the mines, homes and temples used by the primitive workers and gods, our true ancestors.

Book Details


  • Author: Gerald Clark

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: CreateSpace

  • Copyright: 2013

  • Singed by Author (blurred)

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Adam = Alien

Our Mysterious Origins Unveiled

Adam = Alien is a groundbreaking book, exploring possible evidence of our extraterrestrial origins.
In the vein of Erich Von Däniken, Lloyd Pye, and Zecharia Sitchin, it explores human origin, UFOs, pyramids, religion, science, and our culture's and government's suppression of its proof. It is written by a former skeptic whose research has concluded that most of what he has learned regarding the subject matter above was completely wrong, that the powerful institutions that control our education have woven for us a fairy-tale myth to protect their interests-and that has been recapitulated and regurgitated over the past two thousand years.
This book is a wakeup call to you-the open-minded, inquisitive thinker. It provides for you documentary and photographic evidence that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that extraterrestrials have existed here on earth and have intervened for the past 445,000 years in the human experience.
  • Author: Leon Bibi

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing

  • Copyright: 2014

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DNA of the Gods

The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity

An in-depth study of humanity’s Anunnaki origins and the Anunnaki battle for an intelligent versus enslaved humanity
• Explains the genetic engineering of humanity by an Anunnaki scientist Ninmah • Shows how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women arose from Enlil’s will to keep humanity underdeveloped, clashing  with Enki’s and Ninmah’s plan  to make us equal in intelligence • Reveals how humanity’s long history of conflict was shaped by the battle between Enki and his brother Enlil

Further developing the revolutionary work of Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy shows that the “gods” of ancient myth, visitors from the planet Nibiru, created us using their own “divine” DNA--first through DNA extraction from their own ribs’ marrow and later by direct relations with early human females. Drawing upon multiple sacred texts, Hardy details the genetic engineering of humanity by Anunnaki scientist Ninmah, with the help of Enki and Hermes. She reveals how Ninmah’s first female human creation, Tiamat/Eve, contained more alien DNA than the earlier male one, Adamu, and how the biblical Noah represents the perfection of her work.
Examining the war between Anunnaki brothers Enki and Enlil, Hardy reveals how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women were born out of Enlil’s attempts to enslave and then wipe out humanity, repeatedly thwarted by Enki and Ninmah. The author further explains how the sacred sexuality taught to humans--still seen in Tantric practice--became suppressed millennia later by the patriarchal concept of original sin and how innocent Eve took the blame for the expulsion from Eden and fall from Grace.
Showing that the god who created us was not the same god who expelled us from Eden, Hardy explains that there will be no apocalypse because the Good/Evil duality has never truly existed--it has been only enemy gods fighting and implicating humanity in the wake of their own competition for power. With a full psychological understanding of how the ancient “gods” have shaped humanity’s ongoing history of conflict, we can move beyond the framework of “(my) Good versus (your) Evil” imposed by Enlil and begin to steer our own planetary destiny.
  • Author: Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Publisher: Bear & Co.

  • Copyright: 2014

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Wars of the Anunnaki

Nuclear Self-destruction in ancient Sumer

• Analyzes the crisis and rationale behind the Anunnaki decision to nuke 5 cities in the Jordan plain, resulting in the obliteration of Sumerian civilization • Draws upon the work of Zecharia Sitchin, the Book of Genesis, Sumerian clay tablets, and archaeological evidence such as ancient radioactive skeletons • Examines the Anunnakis’ lack of higher consciousness, their reliance on technology, their sacred power objects and sacred geometry, and the possibility of Anunnaki bases on Mars in the distant past

The detonation of nuclear weapons in the 20th century was not the first time humanity has seen such terrible destruction. Drawing upon the work of Zecharia Sitchin, the Book of Genesis, Sumerian clay tablets, and archaeological evidence such as ancient radioactive skeletons, Chris Hardy reveals the ancient nuclear event that destroyed the Sumerian civilization and the power struggles of the “gods” that led up to it.
The author explains how the Anunnaki came to Earth from the planet Nibiru seeking gold to repair their ozone layer. Using genetic engineering, they created modern humanity to do their mining work and installed themselves as our kings and our gods. Anunnaki god Enki had a fatherly relationship with the first two humans. Then Enlil, Enki’s brother, took over as Commander of Earth, instating a sole-god theocracy and a war against the clan of Enki and humanity for spoiling the Anunnaki bloodlines through interbreeding. This shift imposed a blackout not only of the very human nature of the Anunnaki “gods” but also of humanity’s own ancient past on Earth.
Two of Enlil’s attacks against the Enki clan and humanity are described in the stories of the Deluge and the Tower of Babel. His final attempt, after coercing the Assembly of the Gods into voting yes, was the nuclear bombing of 5 cities of the Jordan plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah, which resulted in the destruction of the Sumerian civilization and the Anunnakis’ own civilization on Earth, including their space port in the Sinai. The author reveals how, after each attempt, humanity was saved by Enki, chief scientist Ninmah, and Enki’s son Hermes.
  • Author: Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Publisher: Bear & Co.

  • Copyright: 2016

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Zecharia Sitchin

and the Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity

An in-depth analysis of Sitchin’s revelations about the Anunnaki, early humanity, and Earth’s future
• Examines Sitchin’s research into the Anunnaki arrival on Earth, the lineage of the Nefilim, their space travel technology, and their creation of modern humans • Written by longtime Sitchin friend and colleague M. J. Evans, Ph.D., and draws upon her research and personal discussions with Sitchin • Explores the lust and lovemaking relationships of the Nefilim and suggests we inherited our warlike and love making tendencies from them

Known for his provocative interpretations of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) read the words of our most ancient ancestors as fact and, through decades of meticulous research, showed that these ancient tablets revealed a coherent narrative about the extraterrestrial inhabitants of Earth and the origins of modern humanity.
Drawing upon her many conversations with Zecharia Sitchin over nearly 20 years, M. J. Evans, Ph.D., longtime Sitchin friend and colleague, provides an in-depth analysis of Sitchin’s revelations about the Anunnaki, focusing on Anunnaki activities on Earth and Earth’s future. She explores the genesis of Sitchin’s interest in the Nefilim, the leaders of the Anunnaki, and the controversy caused by the publication of Sitchin’s first book, The 12th Planet. She examines Sitchin’s research into the Nefilim family tree, the Anunnaki arrival on Earth to mine gold to repair the atmosphere on their planet, Nibiru, and their creation of modern humans as workers for their mines and to build their civilization on Earth. She shows how, in the context of 21st-century technological capabilities, Sitchin’s work casts a different light on ancient events, with implications for our future. The author reveals the details of the love and lust proclivities of the Nefilim gods Anu, Enlil, and Enki and the goddess Ishtar/Inanna and shows how we inherited these tendencies from our Anunnaki creators as well as their use of war for problem solving.
Concluding with an examination of Sitchin’s prediction of a nuclear event on Earth in 2024 AD, she shows how we would be repeating the aggressive warlike behaviors of our Anunnaki creators, who may very well become our saviors when Nibiru next returns to our solar system.
  • Author: M. J. Evans Ph.D.

  • Edition: First

  • Printing: First, May 30, 2016

  • Publisher: Bear & Company

  • Copyright: 2016

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The book that will forever change our ideas about the Bible

The Gods Coming From Space
Discover the hidden secrets of our own creation… And dig deeper into your OWN existence.

Humans, the most intricate creatures on earth, and the best example of a perfectly engineered system that works together in harmony. If we gaze into our own bodies, we’ll find wonders that fascinate us beyond reality, and ignite the spark within us to chase the truth of our creation, and defy society’s inherited beliefs.

On your way to studying religions and their definition of “God”, your first instinct will be to dive into their Sacred texts and holy books, and their studies and explanations that haven’t been updated in decades, and are limited by the strict ideologies of their creators...


 Well, what if we told you that you’ve been studying the old testament from the wrong perspective?

If you free your thoughts from any bias and take a closer look at the Bible, you’ll discover an uncanny resemblance between God’s representation in it and what we define today as “Aliens”. For example, the Bible states that we as humans were formed using the DNA of our creator, and that our creator traveled via flying objects, surrounded by a glowing halo referred to as “God’s glory”... It also mentions the existence of giants with evidence on where to find their traces!


Starting to put the pieces together?

Those examples are just a few of many similarities that are undoubtedly connected, and refused by our narrow-minded societies!

The product of years of research and diving deeper into the excerpts of the Old Testaments to arrive at its true and authentic meaning. It contains word-to-word translations of ancient Hebrew Sacred texts and mythologies, and studies them through a modern, unbiased approach to unravel what our ancestors didn’t know. Written and curated by Mauro Biglino, a passionate scholar, historian, and author of 17 other best-sellers regarding the studies of religion, history, and ancient mythologies, with over 11 years of experience in studying and disseminating ancient sacred texts.


Delve deeper into the truth about the alien creation of man, and discover the hidden secrets of the ten commandments, the prophets’ personal UFO encounters, the truth about God’s death, and the probable source of inspiration of the Gospel of John... All through an in-depth, comprehensive experience that brings you closer to the authentic intended meaning of all ancient Hebrew sacred texts, and provides real evidence backed-up by the research of passionate historians and analysis experts to help you grasp a True understanding of the Bible’s messages.

  • Author: Mauro Biglino

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: eBook

  • Publisher: Uno Editori

  • Copyright: 2013

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