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Platillos Volantes en la Antiguedad
[Flying Saucers in Antiquity]
[Translated from Spanish] Reading this bold book is like transposing the thresholds of a dimension hitherto unknown. Old and modern prejudices will fall apart in the light of the unusual hypothesis that is presented here. Ignored doors will open towards a new concept of the Universe. Because examining the mysterious past, a past future is discovered, a tomorrow that belongs to a distant yesterday. Contradictory? Baffling? Fantastic? The exciting problem of the so-called "Flying Saucers", analyzed for the first time from a prehistoric perspective, continues to offer a suggestive mystery, since the great enigma of space, far from being cleared, remains the most fabulous and amazing challenge with which it has faced humanity since the earliest times. Did star civilizations disappear in time immemorial?

Book Details
Author: Eugenio Danyans
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: First Printing
Copyright: 1967
Publisher: Pomaire

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