Piecing together many fragments of both Babylonian and Assyrian versions, W. G. Lambert and A. R. Millard (Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood) were able to present a continuous text. In time, enough Babylonian, Assyrian, Canaanite, and even original Sumerian tablets were discovered to enable a major reassembly of the Atra-Hasis epic, and possibly on even earlier oral traditions about the arrival of the gods on Earth, the creation of Man, and his destruction by the Deluge.
Author: W.G. Lambert, A.R. Millard
Edition: First, corrected
Printing: Second Printing 1970
Copyright: 1969
Publisher: Oxford University Press

EnÅ«ma Eliš
The Seven Tablets of Creation
Volume One and Two
The Enuma Elish (also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation) is the Babylonian creation myth whose title is derived from the opening lines of the piece, "When on High". The myth tells the story of the great god Marduk's victory over the forces of chaos and his establishment of order at the creation of the world.
All of the tablets containing the myth (also known as Enuma Elis), found at Ashur, Kish, Ashurbanipal's library at Nineveh, Sultantepe, and other excavated sites, date to c. 1200 BCE. Their colophons, however, indicate that these are all copies of a much older version of the myth dating from long before the reign of Hammurabi of Babylon (1792-1750 BCE), the king who elevated the god Marduk to patron deity of Babylon. The poem in its present form, with Marduk as champion, is thought to be a revision of an even older Sumerian work.
As Marduk, the champion of the young gods in their war against Tiamat, is of Babylonian origin, the Sumerian Ea/Enki or Enlil is thought to have played the major role in the original version of the story. The copy found at Ashur has the god Assur in the main role as was the custom of the cities of Mesopotamia. The god of each city was always considered the best and most powerful. Marduk, the god of Babylon, only figures as prominently as he does in the story because most of the copies found are from Babylonian scribes. Even so, Ea does still play an important part in the Babylonian version of the Enuma Elish by creating human beings.

Book Details
Editor: L.W. King
Edition: First edition
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: The Book Tree
Copyright: 1999

MALBIM , acronym (MaLBIM) of Meʾir Loeb ben Yeḥiʾel Mikhaʾel (1809–1879), European rabbi and exegete. Born in Volhynia, Russia, Malbim was chief rabbi of Romania from 1858 to 1864, having earlier served as rabbi to a number of communities in eastern Europe. He was bitterly fought by the Reform Movement for most of his adult life, even suffering a brief imprisonment on a false accusation in Rumania by wealthy German Reformers. Fortunately, he left us an amazing commentary on the entire Torah among the other valuable works he composed.

Book One
Beginning and Upheaval
Author: MALBIM
Translator: Zvi Faier
Edition: First edition
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: Hillel Press
Copyright: 1978

Book Two
The Patriarchs
Author: MALBIM
Translator: Zvi Faier
Edition: First edition
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: Hillel Press
Copyright: 1979

Anchor Bible Series
The Anchor Bible Commentary Series, created under the guidance of William Foxwell Albright (1891–1971), comprises a translation and exegesis of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Intertestamental Books (the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Deuterocanon/the Protestant Apocrypha; not the books called by Catholics and Orthodox "Apocrypha", which are widely called by Protestants "Pseudepigrapha"). For each biblical book, the series includes an original translation with translational and text-critical notes; overviews of the historical, critical, and literary evolution of the text; an outline of major themes and topics; a verse-by-verse commentary; treatment of competing scholarly theories; historical background; and photographs, illustrations, and maps of artifacts and places associated with biblical figures and sites. Depending on the size and complexity of the book, some are covered in more than one volume.

Book Details
Translator: E.A. Speiser
Edition: First Edition
Printing: First
Copyright: 1964
Publisher: Doubleday & Co., Inc.

The Christ Conspiracy
The Greatest Story Ever Sold
In this highly controversial and explosive book, archaeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist Acharya S. marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence to demonstrate that Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion. In developing such a fabrication, this multinational cabal drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that existed long before the Christian era, and reworked them for centuries into the religion passed down to us today.
Contrary to popular belief, there was no single man who was at the genesis of Christianity; Jesus was many characters rolled into one. These characters personified the ubiquitous solar myth, and their exploits were well known, as reflected by such popular deities as Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysos and many others throughout the Roman Empire and beyond. The story of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels is revealed to be nearly identical in detail to that of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, who for millennia preceding Christianity held great favor with the people. The Christ Conspiracy shows the Jesus character as not unique or original, not “divine revelation. Christianity reinterprets the same extremely ancient body of knowledge that revolved around the celestial bodies and natural forces. The result of this myth making has been “The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Sold.
Author: Acharya S (D.M. Murdock)
Edition: First edition
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Copyright: 1999
Signed by Author (blurred)

Caesar's Messiah
The Roman origin of Christianity
This book shows how and why the Gospels and the Book of Acts--- the very core of the New Testament--- were written, Amazing as it might seem, they were created under the Roman Emperors Titus and Domitian, by top Roman scientists, as a fake form of Messianic Judaism in order to "tame" the wild and uncotrollable Jewish population of Palestine. If they fell for the fraud the Jews would on one level be worshiping the Emperor Titus, whose military campaing in Judea was used as the basis for creating the ministry of Jesus. The Romans intended that the Gospels would act as mind expanding exercises for the Jews, so they left clues in the texts of the Gospels and the authorized history of the Jewish War by Flavius Josephus. Anyone who thought deeply and intelligently about the texts would be able to discover the truth and escape from the prison of a false faith. Now, 2000 painful years later, Joseph Atwill has a last show us all the way.
Author: Joseph Atwill
Edition: First (spiral bound)
Printing: First printing
Copyright: April 23, 2001
Publisher: Privately published 2003

Who Was Jesus?
Fingerprints of the Christ
Is the New Testament a “historical record” or “factual biography” of what really happened, or a tool for the priesthood to lay down doctrines and dogma as they were developed over the centuries?
This fascinating “CSI-style” investigation by controversial historian D.M. Murdock aka “Acharya S” includes quotes from Christian authorities, apologists and evangelists, as well as New Testament scholars. Using the Bible itself, as well as the research of these individuals and others, Murdock demonstrates that what you see is not what you get when it comes to Christ and Christianity.
Author: D.M. Murdock, aka "Acharya S"
Edition: First Edition
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Stellar House Publishing
Copyright: 2007
Signed by Author (blurred)

The Shining Ones
Bringing together a lifetime of research and scholarship based on the Sumerian Kharsag Epics and the deliberately concealed Chronicles of Enoch, with added support from an alternative translation of the later compilation of the Book of Genesis, The Shining Ones presents evidence of the activities of a group of culturally and technically advanced people, who dominated human progress for several thousand years. Establishing agriculture in the Near East around 8,500 BC, these sages founded the Garden of Eden, and set the stage for the diffusion of the Indo-European peoples throughout the world. They were deified and are still remembered as gods.

Book Details
Author(s): Christian O’Brien & Barbara Joy O'Brien
Edition: First edition
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: Dianthus Publishing Ltd.
Copyright: 2001
Inscribed by author (blurred)

The Genius of the Few
The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden in Eden
The Genius of the Few continues the work described in the author's earlier book - The Megalithic Odyssey - and carries the prehistorical research back to 8000 BC, when a group of Sages, known to the Sumerians as "Anannage" and to the early people of the Middle East as the 'shining ones' settled into a fertile basin within the mountains of Southern Lebanon.

Book Details
Author: Christian O'Brien (C. A. E. O'Brien) with Barbara Joy OBrien
Edition: Revised edition
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: Dianthus Publishing Ltd.
Copyright: 1999
Signed by Authors (blurred)

The Ark Before Noah
Decoding the Story of the Flood
The recent translation of a Babylonian tablet launches a groundbreaking investigation into one of the most famous stories in the world, challenging the way we look at ancient history.
Since the Victorian period, it has been understood that the story of Noah, iconic in the Book of Genesis, and a central motif in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, derives from a much older story that existed centuries before in ancient Babylon. But the relationship between the Babylonian and biblical traditions was shrouded in mystery. Then, in 2009, Irving Finkel, a curator at the British Museum and a world authority on ancient Mesopotamia, found himself playing detective when a member of the public arrived at the museum with an intriguing cuneiform tablet from a family collection. Not only did the tablet reveal a new version of the Babylonian Flood Story; the ancient poet described the size and completely unexpected shape of the ark, and gave detailed boat building specifications. Decoding this ancient message wedge by cuneiform wedge, Dr. Finkel discovered where the Babylonians believed the ark came to rest and developed a new explanation of how the old story ultimately found its way into the Bible. In The Ark Before Noah, Dr. Finkel takes us on an adventurous voyage of discovery, opening the door to an enthralling world of ancient voices and new meanings.
Author: Irving Finkel
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Copyright: 2014
Signed by Author (blurred)

The Names of God Bible
Features more than 10,000 names and titles of God restored to their Hebrew equivalent and printed in brown ink to stand out within the biblical text.
Names of God Reading Paths lead readers to the next reference of the name so they can pray the names of God throughout Scripture
Name Pages feature:
- background information associated with 68 names and titles of God
- key Scripture passages in which the meaning is revealed
- devotional readings on each of the featured names
- specific Bible promises connected to each of the featured names
Introductions to each book of the Bible highlight the main themes and list the names and titles that appear in that book. 300 callouts highlight key Scripture for memorization and reflection. Calling God by Name sidebars shed light on the relationship between biblical people and the specific names they called God.

Book Details
Editor: Ann Spangler
Edition: First
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Revell
Copyright: 2011
Mahogany/Hebrew Name Design

The Lost Tomb of Viracocha
Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids
Inca mythology tells of a tall, white leader who wandered along the coast performing miracles, a man they called Viracocha Pachamac, which means "God of the World." Centuries later another great miracle worker, similar to the first, appeared and wandered the countryside, healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind. He, too, was named Viracocha. These accounts have long baffled scholars, as have the carvings left by the people of Tiahuanaco who preserved these legends. Now Maurice Cotterell, who cracked the codes hidden in both ancient Maya carvings and the treasures of Tutankhamun, unlocks the secrets concealed within the treasure-filled tombs of Viracocha Pachamac and Viracocha. His investigation of these tombs, held within the long-lost pyramids of Peru, proves that these two figures were not myth but actually existed 1,500 years ago.
The two Viracocha sun-kings had much in common with Lord Pacal of Mexico and Tutankhamun of Egypt and, like them, left the secrets of a super solar science encoded in their treasures. This science reveals the intimate connection between the cycles of life and birth on Earth and solar activity such as sunspots. More important, it holds the key to reincarnation and human spiritual realization, with answers to the spiritual mysteries of life and death.
Author: Maurice Cotterell
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Bear & Company
Copyright: March 30, 2003
Signed by Author (blurred)