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Anunnaki Guide

A guide for the lineage and influence of an alien race

Sabit, Enki & Damkina / Ninki

Ninlil, Enki & Nisaba

Ningal, Enki & Ningikuga / Nisaba

Geshtinanna, Enki & Ninsun

Ninsar, Enki & Ninhursag

Ninkurra / Nindurra, Enki & Ninsar

Ninimma, Enki & Ninkurra

Uttu, Enki & Ninkurra

Nanshe / Nazi, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninsikila, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninsutu, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninkasi, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Nina, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninmarki, Enki & Nina

Ninti, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Azimua / Dazimua Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu


   Son and heir to Nannar / Sin & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna. Spouse to Aya / Aia / Namrat, daughter to Ninsun. Born on Earth Colony before modern man was on the Earth.

. E-babbar “Shining house” temple to Utu in Sippar, together with E-kun-ankuga [‘pure stairway to heaven‘], its ziggurat

             . E-gud-du-shar (House with numerous perfect oxen) temple of Ningublaga in Ki-abrig
             . E-nun-ana (House of the prince of heaven) temple to Utu in Sippar
            . Kun-satu (Threshold of the mountain) house of Numušda in Kazallu

. Sippar “spaceport” was Utu’s domain and the 4th city built on Earth

. Sippar was the land of missile launches

. Sippar was also the place of the supreme court


. Sun God of Mesopotamia, symbolized as the Sun
          . Sunday named after the Sun God Utu

. after Nannar / Sin / El’s retirement, Utu assumed his father’s symbol as the Moon Crescent God
. associated with laws and justice “in accordance with the true word of Utu”.

          . “the standard of Utu, the Bison head,…”

          . the Bison is Utu’s animal symbol
          . Utu’s zodiac symbol is Gemini, the twins Utu & Inanna

Utu’s Sons:

         . Nindara, Nanshe‘s spouse

         . Hendersaga, accountant to Nindara & Nanshe, god of law

         . Sisig “(a god of dreams), the son of Utu“

         . Buenne, probable son to Utu & spouse Aia




  • Utu = Sumerian

  • Shamash = Akkadian "Sun God"

  • Ningublaga = Assyrian

  • Numucda = Larsa

  • Babbar = Assyrian

  • Ba'al = Canaanite

  • Athtar = Canaanite

  • Allah = Babylonian

  • Shimiki = Hurrian, nothern to Akkad and Sumer

  • Helios = Greek  "personifies the Sun"

  • Sol Invictus = Roman "Sun God"

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  Assembly of the 12 Royal Anunnaki


  1)  #60      ANU, King

  2)  #55      ANTU, Sister-Spouse

  3)  #50      ENLIL, Son and heir via ANTU

  4)  #45      NINLIL/SUD, Spouse

  5)  #40      ENKI/EA, King ANU’s eldest son via concubine NAMMU

  6)  #35      NINKI/DAMKINA, Spouse, ex-king ALALU’s daughter

  7)  #30      NANNAR/SIN/YHWH, King ANU’s grandson via ENLIL

  8)  #25      NINGAL, Spouse

  9)  #20      UTU/SHAMASH/ALLAH, King ANU’s great-grandson

10)  #15      INANNA/ISHTAR, King ANU’s great-granddaughter

11)  #10      ISHKUR/ADAD/VIRACOCHA, King ANU’s grandson

12)  #5        NINHURSAG/NINMAH, King ANU’s eldest daughter via NAMMU



After many shars of warring between the nation of the north and the nation of the south, and after insurmountable destruction to the planet and to life on Nibiru, and after most of the men had perished in the war, a truce was declared. A peaceful settlement was reached by uniting the planet under one king. By lots, a unifying leader was to be selected. If the winner was from the south, then he would take a wife from the north. If the winner was from the north, then his spouse would be chosen from the south, thus uniting the interests of the people from all the lands. A royal throne for the entire planet was then established.




1st King AN – meaning the “Celestial One”

  • A warrior from the north

  • His ruling city was built and named Agade, meaning “Unity”

  • Married An.Tu meaning the “Leader Who Is An’s Spouse”, from the south

  • They had three sons and no daughters

2nd King AN.KI – meaning “By a Solid Foundation”

  • Eldest son and heir of An’s

  • Never married, concubines didn’t produce any sons

  • No heirs were produced

  • After his death, kingship fell to his younger brother

3rd King IB – meaning “The One in the Middle”

  • 2nd son to An and An.Tu

  • Re-named An.Ib meaning “The One Who Is An’s Son” when he became king

  • Married Nin.Ib meaning the “Lady of Ib”, his younger brother’s daughter

4th King AN.SHAR.GAL – meaning “An’s Prince Who Is Greatest of Princes”

  • 1st son of Anib and Ninib

  • Married Ki.Shar.Gal, his half-sister, both offspring of the king Anib

  • 1st son of Anshargal’s was born by a concubine

  • 2nd son of Anshargal’s was born by his official wife and half-sister, Kishargal

  • Kishargal had Anshargal proclaim that the legal heir to the throne be the 1st son born of the “double seed” of royal blood, not necessarily just the first son born, thus establishing for all time the “Law of the Seed”

5th King AN.SHAR

  • 1st son of Anshargal and Kishargal

  • Married Ki.Shar, his half-sister, both the offspring of Anshargal.

  • Nibiru’s climate was bitter cold when it was away from the sun, and horribly hot as it approached the sun. Nibiru’s atmosphere was collapsing. Famine and hardship spread across Nibiru.

  • A breach in the atmosphere was discovered. Air was escaping and becoming thinner. Volcanic activity had greatly lessened, emitting fewer gases, and causing the air to cool

6th King EN.SHAR – meaning “Lordly Master of the Shar”

  • 1st son of Anshar and Kishar

  • Married his half-sister, Nin.Shar – meaning “of the Shars the Lady”

  • Ninshar produced no male heir, so one came by way of a concubine

  • He became very learned in Nibiru’s circuit and the atmospheres of the five outer planets. He named the planets after his forefathers.

  • He sent teams of scientists in spaceships to study the five planets

  • He studied why the volcanoes weren’t belching the much needed atmospheric gases, and thus not releasing any warmth. Things were getting worse.

7th King DU.URU – meaning “In the Dwelling Place Fashioned”

  • 1st son of Enshar and a concubine – the “double seed” is broken!

  • Married Da.Uru, meaning “She Who is by My Side”,

  • He married for love, not by blood relation – the bloodline is broken!

  • They and many others were now infertile due to Nibiru’s enduring hardships

  • They found a son at the gate and adopted him as heir – all royal bloodlines of Nibiru are now broken!

8th King LAHMA – meaning “Dryness”

  • Adopted son of Duuru and Dauru’s, married Lahama

  • He was not well accepted by those in the royal palace as an heir with no bloodlines from the original king An

  • Nibiru’s problem was to be solved by getting gold to repair the atmosphere, and or to blast the volcanoes with nuclear weapons, he could decide to do nothing

  • Revolt arose against him lead by Alalu, a prince

  • Alalu and Lahma fought, Alalu threw Lahma off a tower to his death!

9th King ALALU

  • Alalu was brought before the “Seven Who Judge”

  • Alalu assassinated previous king of Nibiru in a take over plot

  • He claimed to be a descendant of the past king, Anshargal and a concubine’s son named Alam; his claim was rivaled by another prince named Anu.

  • Anu was descended by his great ancestor, and Nibiru’s 1st king, An, by way of An’s third son, Enuru

  • The two agreed that Alalu would keep the throne, but Anu would be his successor

  • Alalu’s daughter, Damkina was to marry Anu’s son, Enki to meld their bloodlines for future royal heirs – to settle dispute between Alalu & Anu

  • Alalu sent men to mine gold from the “Hammered Bracelet”, Asteroid Belt but all were killed trying to land

  • After 9 shars of reign, Anu challenged Alalu to a wrestling match for the throne and won. Alalu feared for his life and bolted for Earth to hide.

  • Escaped to Earth to avoid punishment

  • Discovered gold on Earth & messaged Anu asking for redemption

  • Enki, son to Anu & son-in-law to Alalu, is sent to Earth for verification

  • Exiled to Mars, he was buried there by Anzu, also buried there

 [Hittite: (Text 14) Song of Kumarbi]

After nine Nibiruan years, Anu  “gave battle to Alalu” and deposed him:

         “Once in the olden days, Alalu was king in heaven.

         Alalu was seated on the throne;

         The mighty Anu, first among gods, was standing before him:

         He would bow to his feet, set the drinking cup in his hand.

         For nine counted periods, Alalu was king in Heaven.

         In the ninth counted period, Anu gave battle to Alalu …”

It was then, the dramatic flight to Earth had occurred:

         “Alalu was defeated, he fled before Anu—

         Down he descended to the dark-hued Earth.

         Anu took his seat upon the throne …”


10th King ANU – meaning “the Celestial One”

  • Anu = Sumerian, Babylonian

  • Ancar = Akkadian

  • Cronus = Greek

  • Saturn = Roman

  • Brahma = Hindu

At least 21 divine couples preceded him to the throne on Nibiru. During his early kingship, his royal descendants came to colonize Earth. Anu’s ruling number is 60, the highest number in the Anunnaki system. Spouse Antu’s ruling number is 55.  Anu sits at the head of the table at the “Assembly of the Gods”.  King of Nibiru & Earth; of “Heaven and Earth” Epithet: “Father of the Gods“. Anu’s palace was guarded by the god of “The Tree of Truth”, & god of “The Tree of Life”. Heavenly abode is artificial garden sculptured in semi-precious stones. His throne room is the place of “The Assembly of the Gods”. Enlil sits on the right of Anu; Enki sits on the left side of Anu in the Assembly.


Anu‘s symbol is the 8-Pointed Star of planet Venus, later given to Inanna. The 8th planet discovered when entering into our solar system from outer space. Uruk / Biblical Erech was Anu‘s patron city when visiting colony Earth, later given Inanna.  Their residence was called E-Anna, “House of Heaven“. “House of An”, “the holy temple of E-anna where the great god An lives”.


Anu’s known sons stationed on Earth Colony:

  • Enlil– 1st born of Antu (official ½ sister-spouse of Anu) on Nibiru, & 2nd son to Anu. Legal heir to Anu being born of the “double seed” law of succession to planet Nibiru‘s throne.

  • Enki – 1st born of Nammu / Urash, Anu‘s concubine on Nibiru, eldest son of Anu but not of Antu’s blood, so not born of the “double seed” & not Anu‘s heir.

  • Martu – minor god born of Ninhursag.

  • Kakka – minor god, also a name for Ninshubur‘s mother.

Anu’s known daughters stationed on Earth Colony:

  • Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti – born of Nammu on Nibiru, mother of Ninurta, the heir to Enlil

  • Nisaba / Ningikuga – born of Nammu, mother of Ninlil – Enlil‘s spouse & Ningal – Nannar‘s spouse

  • Bau / Gula– born of concubine Nammu, became spouse to Ninurta

  • Shala – minor goddess born of Antu on Nibiru, became spouse to Adad

  • Ninmug – minor goddess, metal & wood worker of the gods

Anu had 6 concubines and 80 offspring, 14 by official ½ sister-spouse Antu, with major roles such as:

1 – Prime Minister

3 – Commanders in Charge of the MU’s

2 – Commanders of the Weapons

2 – Great Masters of the Written Knowledge

1 – Master of the Purse

2 – Chief Justices

2 – “Who With Sound Impress”

2 – Chief Scribes, (with 5 asst. scribes)



Main Inter-Marriages

(Royal Bloodline Lineage)


King Anu       Married Antu (his ½ sister, both direct descendants of their ancient king)

Enki               (King Anu’s eldest son) married Ninki (the daughter to ex-king Alalu – produced Marduk)

                        (then he produced many children with Ninhursag, his sister)

Enlil                (Anu’s son & heir) married Ninlil (his niece, the daughter to Enki & Nisaba)

Martu             (King Anu’s son) married Adjar-kidug (his grand-niece, & daughter to Utu)

Ninurta          (Enlil’s son & heir) married Bau (his aunt, the daughter to King Anu)

Nannar           (Enlil’s son) married Ningal (his cousin, the daughter of Enki & Nisaba)

Adad               (Enlil’s son) married Shala (his aunt, the daughter of King Anu)

Nergal            (Enlil’s son) married Ereshkigal (his niece, the daughter to Nannar)

Marduk         (Enki’s son & heir) married Sarpanit 

Inanna           (Nannar’s daughter) married Dumuzi her uncle, was killed while young. Inanna then espoused dozens of semi-divine kings & queens

“Law of the Seed"


After the North/South war, during the Nibirian reconstruction, in the reign of An.Shar.Gal; the Anunnaki  council decreed the Law of the Seed, the Law of Espousal overpower! Not just any son was selected, but only the carefully planned and conceived son of the purest blood, one of the “double seed” was to find the path to the throne. This meant that a son conceived by a father and his ½ sister would possess a greater content of royal blood (in a case concerning heirs), than a son born of a mother with less content or no content of royal blood. A wife who is a ½ sister to her husband was the preferred choice to produce an heir of the “double seed”… a practice carried on by at least the first twenty generations of Hebrew heroes from Adam to Noah to Abraham.



“Lord Of The Command”

  • Lord Air = Sumer

  • Nunamnir = Assyrian

  • Ellilla = Lagash

  • Elil = Babylonian

  • Zeus = Greek “sky and thunder god”

  • Jupiter = Roman “bright”, “Light-Bringer”

  • Oden = Norsemen “war god”

  • Shiva = Hindu the "destroyer"


Heir to Anu‘s throne on Nibiru.

Anu‘s 2nd son born, Enlil was born of Anu‘s sister-wife Antu, giving him the crown over older brother Enki, son of Anu & concubine. Commander of Earth, 7th planet / star entering from outer space. Only god to appoint “kingship” on Earth. “lowered down from heaven“. Keeper of the “Tablets of Destiny”. Enlil married Ninlil / Sud, saving him from rape charges


Shuruppak was Ninlil’s patron city – land of the ruler Utnapishtim / Noah, who retired in the “Land of Dilmun”—“a pure place…a  pure land… a place most bright”. Enlil known by his “light sky-blue eyes”.

E-kur = Enlil’s temple – residence in Nippur

Egalgasesna = Enlil’s temple – residence in Dur-Enlil

E-ad-da = temple to Enlil

E-du-kug (House of the sheer heap) in Nippur

E-Tummal (Tummal House), temple to Ninlil in Nippur

E-shenshena temple to Ninlil


Enlil’s sons:

Ninurta – born on Nibiru of mother & aunt Ninhursag, Enlil’s royal heir due to the “double-seed” rule

Nusku – born of Ninhursag & Enlil, Enlil’s chancellor

Nannar / Sin – born on Earth to mother, Ninlil / Sud (their 1st son)

Ishkur / Adad – born on Earth to mother, Ninlil / Sud (their 2nd son)

Enbilulu the river warden

Ennugi the sheriff

Nimada the brother to Ninazu who is sometimes Enlil’s son, sometimes Ereshkigal‘s son


Enlil’s daughters:

Sandarnunna, married to Nuska, Enlil’s minister

Ezina-Kusu is sometimes Enlil’s daughter & spouse to Gibil, sometimes Enlil’s mother-in-law Nisaba, Ninlil’s mother, grain goddess

Kusu = Gibil‘s spouse

4 unnamed daughters born on Earth of mother Ninlil / Sud



“Lord of Earth”, “Earth’s Master”

  • Ea = Akkadian “He Whose Home Is Water“

  • Hea = Nimrud

  • Nudimmud = “The Artfull Fashioner”, name given Enki by Alalu

  • Dagan = Assyria “Fish’s Suit” worn by god of waters

  • Neptune = planet named after Enki – Babylonian

  • Khnemu = Ancient Egyptian

  • Ptah = Egyptian “developer”, “one who fashioned things”

  • Oannes = Greek “Fish’s Suit” worn by god of waters

  • Poseidon = Greek

  • Neptune = Roman

  • Vishnu = Hindu "creator", the "preserver", the "life engineer"


Married Damkina on Nibiru, daughter to father King Anu’s predecessor Alalu, his marriage was to blood-bridge two rivals for one throne on Nibiru, Anu’s son Enki married Alalu’s daughter, Damkina.  Nicknamed Ninigiku, “Lord Bright Eye” for his blue eyes. He is “Lord of the saltwaters”, builder of ships.


Enki’s patron city was Eridu / Eridug / Haaki, “home of going afar”, “place of the waters”, the 1st ziggurat & city, located on the south end of Euphrates River & north Persian Gulf shore. His ziggurat residence in Eridu was called E-engura “House of the subterranean waters”  “house built of silver, adorned with lapis lazuli…”.  E-unir (House of gaze reach) temple to Enki in Eridu.  E-abzu “temple of the abzu”.  E-de-a shrine to Ea (Enki) at Khorsabad built by Sargon.


He ruled the Abzu– “Lower World”, mining the gold from South Africa. Chief Scientist on Earth Colony. Master engineer & keeper of the “Me’s – disc records of knowledge.


Enki’s Sons:

Marduk / Ra – 1st born of Enki & spouse Damkina / Ninki on Nibiru

Nergal – born of Enki & Inanna, sometimes born of Enlil & Ninlil

Ninagal – born of Enki & a concubine

Gibil – born of Enki & concubine

Ningishzidda (Thoth, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, etc.)– born of Enki & Ereshkigal

Dumuzi (Tammuz) – born of Enki & Ninsun (a daughter to Ninurta)

Abu, a son by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Nintulla, a son by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Enshag, a son by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Enki's Daughters:

Enki also fathered many children by mixed-breed earthling women, earthling leaders & kings.  Son “Adapa”, “Model Man”, Enki’s offspring, modern Homo-sapien, carried to term by Ninki, genetically modified by Ninhursag & Ningishzidda. Son Zuisudra / Noah, mixed-breed king of Shuruppak, saving mankind & Earth’s pure, non-mixed animal species. Son Enlil-bani, semi-divine mixed-breed king of Isin.



  • Nanna = Akkadian, Sumerian = Nannar “bright one” affectionately called “Father Nanna”

  • Sin = Akkadian

  • EN = Akkadian “Multiplying Lord” due to his twins Inanna & Utu

  • Acimbabbar = Sumer

  • YHWH = Hebrew

  • El Shaddai = Akkadian, shadû ("mountain") and shaddā`û or shaddû`a ("mountain-dweller"), (god of the mountains). Patriarchal name for the Mesopotamian tribal god of Abram

  • EL = Canaanites (retired god married to Asherah), Biblical name for Yaweh during time of Abraham “lofty deity“– Ab Adam-“father of man“

  • Ares = Greek

  • Mars = Roman


First son born to Enlil & Ninlil. Older brother to Ishkur / Adad. Younger ½ brother to Enlil’s heir, Ninurta. Married to Ningal– “great lady”, daughter to Enki & Ningikuga. Nannar’s ruling # is 30, Ningal’s # is 25. Nannar is the Moon God, the Moon Crescent was his symbol until falling ill, then it was given to son Utu. Monday named after Moon Day, for Moon Crescent God Nannar. “Nanna, your crescent moon is called “the crescent moon of the seventh day (?)”. Nannar was given sovereignty over the great city-state of Ur, (of Biblical hero Abraham fame). Harran was built as a copy of Ur, & designated a city of Nannar, the Moon God.


Ehulhul, the temple of Sin in Harran

Egishnugal (“House of the seed of the throne”) ziggurat temple residence of Nannar in Ur

E-kiš-nu-ĝal (“House sending light to the earth”) in Ur

E-ab-lua (“House with teeming cattle”), Nannar possessed over one million cattle in large pens in Urim / Ur

Kar-zida (“Pure quay”) in Gaeš, small shining city of Suen

E-dim-an-na (“Temple of the bond of heaven“), built by Nebuchadnezzar for Sin

E-hursang (“House which is a hill”), construction of Shulgi in Ur

E-mud-kura in Ur

E-temen-ni-guru, main ziggurat of Ur


Part of the Sinai peninsula was called by the Old Testament the (“Wilderness of Sin”), Mount Sinai is named in Arabic, (“Nakhl”) after the goddess Ningal, the spouse to Sin. Jericho / Yeriho in the Semitic / Biblical word, means (“City of the Moon God”), Allah in Arabic, is adopted from El .



Utu / Shamash, Sun God




Inanna / Ishtar, Goddess of Love & War

Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World / Netherworld / Hades




  • Bel2 younger = Babylonian Marduk

  • Merodach = Assyrian

  • Asarlui / Asarluhi / Asarlluhi = Akkadian

  • Uras / Urac = Assyrian (Uras / Urac)

  • Bilulu = Akkadian

  • Ra = Ancient Egyptian “creator”, falcon headed Sun god

  • Amen Ra = Newer Egyptian “the hidden one”, “absent Ra“

Eldest son & heir to Enki & Damkina (Enki‘s official spouse). Born on Nibiru. Eldest son & heir to Egyptian god Ptah / Enki. Married to Sarpanit, his 1/2 sister-wife. Ra’s symbol is the Sun Disc, or Winged Globe, also the Ram of Aries.


Marduk claimed he, not Enlil‘s son Ninurta, should inherit command of Earth Colony. Proclaimed himself national god of Sumer & Akkad (replacing Enlil‘s family). Made himself king of the gods, (replacing Enlil as heir to their alien throne). Marduk claimed his time to rule as supreme god was during the Ram constellation of Aries. Caused nuclear war, waged by Ninurta & Nergal, evil winds ended the Sumerian civilization.


Marduk's seizure of the supremacy in the heavens was accompanied by a parallel religious change on Earth. The other gods, the Anunnaki leaders—even his direct adversaries—were neither punished nor eliminated. Rather, they were declared subordinate to Marduk through the gimmick of asserting that their various attributes and powers were transferred to Marduk. If Ninurta was known as the god of husbandry, who had given Mankind agriculture by damming the mountain gushes and digging irrigation canals—the function now belonged to Marduk. If Adad was the god of rains and storms, Marduk was now the "Adad of rains." The list, only partially extant on a Babylonian tablet, began as follows:


Ninurta = Marduk of the hoe

Nergal = Marduk of the attack

Zababa = Marduk of the hand-to-hand combat

Enlil = Marduk of lordship and counsel

Nabium = Marduk of numbers and counting

Sin = Marduk the illuminator of the night

Shamash = Marduk of justice

Adad = Marduk of rains


No longer residing in Egypt, Marduk/Ra became Amen, "The Unseen One." Egyptian hymns to him, nevertheless, proclaimed his supremacy, also connoting the new theology that he was now the "god of gods," "more powerful of might than the other gods."


By usurping the “Fifty Names”, representing the rule ranking number of Enlil, which was the # 50. He allowed the other gods to dwell within their own private temples inside the walls, when visiting Babylon. Marduk assumed all responsibilities previously held by Enlil & the other gods. Authority passed from the many deities to the one supreme deity, Marduk.



Asar / Osiris / Ashur / Orien – eldest son to Marduk & spouse Sarpanit, Osiris married Isis & had miracle son Horus

Satu / Seth – killed his brother Osiris / Ashur, & was exiled for his crime

Nabu – 3rd son born to Marduk, his new heir, Nabu‘s symbol is the six- pointed star


Grandfather to Horus, the miracle son of Osiris and Isis. Seth attempted to overthrow his brother Osiris. He drowned and dismembered his body. Isis, the sister / wife of Osiris, retrieved the body parts of Osiris and resurrected (reconstructed) him with the help of Ningishzidda / Thoth, and drained his semen. She then produced a son Horus, who succeeded his father Osiris to the throne.




Fragments of clay tablets that have been found contain copies of laws encoded by Umammu, a ruler of Ur circa 2350 B.C.—more than half a millennium before Hammurabi. The laws, enacted on the authority of the god Nannar. Members of the pantheon included the Moon God, whom the Canaanites called Yerah, the Akkadians Sin, and the Sumerians Nanna. Both Sumerian texts, as well as archaeological evidence, indicate that Sin and his spouse fled to Haran, the Hurrian city protected by several rivers and mountainous terrain. It is noteworthy that when Abraham's clan, led by his father Terah, left Ur, they also set their course to Haran, where they stayed for many years en route to the Promised Land. 


Though Ur remained for all time a city dedicated to Nanna/Sin, Haran must have been his residence for a very long time, for it was made to resemble Ur-its temples, buildings, and streets-almost exactly. Andre Parrot (Abraham et son temps) sums up the similarities by saying that "there is every evidence that the cult of Harran was nothing but an exact replica of that of Ur." The high priestess, who was born during the reign of Ashurbanipal, is assumed to have been of royal blood herself. In her appeals to Sin, she proposed a practical "deal": the resto-ration of his powers over his adversaries in return for helping her son Nabunaid become ruler of Sumer and Akkad. Historical records confirm that in the year 555 B.C. Nabunaid, then commander of the Babylonian armies, was named by his fellow officers to the throne. In this he was stated to have been directly helped by Sin. It was, the inscriptions by Nabu-naid inform us, "on the first day of his appearance" that Sin, using "the weapon of Anu"—was able to "touch with a beam of light" the skies and crush the enemies down on Earth below.


Nabunaid rebuilt Sin's temple E.HUL.HUL ("house of great joy") and declared Sin to be Supreme God. It was then that Sin was able to grasp in his hands "the power of the Anu-office, wield all the power of the Enlil-office, take over the power of the Ea-office—holding thus in his own hand all the Heavenly Powers." Thus defeating the usurper Marduk, even capturing the powers of Marduk's father Ea, Sin assumed the title of "Divine Crescent" and established his reputation as the so-called Moon God.



 Throughout the ancient Near East, the deity associated with the Moon was Sin (Nannar in the original Sumerian). His Ugaritic epithet was "Father of Gods" he indeed was the father of Ishtar and her brothers. For Nannar/Sin, "Enlil's Firstborn," the new urban center of Ur ("The City") was established—a place that was to become Sumer's economic heart.


Enlil "him loved" because he gave him the two all-important grandchildren, the twins Utu/Shamash and nanna/Ishtar; he called Nannar SU.EN—"Multiplying Lord"—an endearing epithet from which there stemmed the Akkadian/Semitic name for Nannar: Sin.


Genesis 17 (Malbim) YAHWEH appeard to him. He said to Abram, “I am El-SHADDAI (God of the mountains) walk in My ways... I will multiply you very much. You shall be the father of a multitude of nations. ELOHIM spoke to him, ...And you shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham (Father of Many) for I make you the father of a multitude of nations.



It was against this background of fast developments that Abraham was ordered to go to Canaan. Though silent concerning Abraham's mission, the Old Testament is clear regarding his destination: Moving expeditiously to Canaan, Abraham and his wife, his nephew Lot, and their entourage continued swiftly southward. There was a stopover at Shechem, where the Lord spoke to Abraham. "Then he removed from there to the Mount, and encamped east of Beth-El; and he built there an altar to Yahweh and called the name of Yahweh." Beth-El, whose name meant "God's House"—a site to which Abraham kept coming back—was in the vicinity of Jerusalem and its hallowed Mount, Mount Moriah ("Mount of Directing"), upon whose Sacred Rock the Ark of the Covenant was placed when Solomon built the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem.


The significance of Mount Moriah—Abraham's first focus of interest—was that in those days it served, together with its sister mounts Mount Zophim ("Mount of Observers") and Mount Zion ("Mount of Signal"), as the site of Mission Control Center of the Anunnaki. The significance of the Negev, its only significance, was that it was the gateway to the Spaceport in the Sinai.


The emerging image of Abraham not as a sheepherding nomad but as an innovative military commander of royal descent may not fit the customary image of this Hebrew patriarch, but it is in accord with ancient recollections of Abraham. Thus, quoting earlier sources concerning Abraham, Josephus (first century A.D.) wrote of him: "Abraham reigned at Damas-cus, where he was a foreigner, having come with an army out of the land above Babylon" from which, "after a long time, the Lord got him up and removed from that country together with his men and he went to the land then called the land of Canaan but now the land of Judaea."


Nannar/Sin was born on Earth. He was not only Enlil’s Firstborn on Earth—he was the first of the first generation of gods to be born on Earth. His children, the twins Utu/Shamash and Inanna/Ishtar, and their sister Ereshkigal, who belonged to the gods’ third generation, were all born on Earth. They were gods, but they were also Earth’s natives. All that was without doubt taken into consideration in the coming struggle for the loyalties of the people.


From Sumerian times on an “Ur away from Ur” cult center of the “Moon god” Nannar/Sin. Abraham’s family ended up residing there because his father Terah was a Tirhu, an omen-priest, first in Nippur, then in Ur, and finally in Nannar/Sin’s temple in Harran. After the demise of Sumer by the nuclear Evil Wind, Nannar and his spouse, Ningal, made their home and headquarters in Harran.

The great religious divide, there was now just one sole Great God of Heaven and Earth:

Marduk for the Enki’ites and Nannar/Sin for the Enlilites.




  • Sumerian = “Lord of the Artifact” (ziggurats & pyramids)

  • Kulla = Assyrian, master architect

  • Thoth = Egyptian god of knowledge, Egyptian & Sumerian guardian of Giza

  • Hermes = Greek

  • Mercury = Roman

  • Quetzalcoatl = Olmec, Maya, etc. as feathered serpent god

Son to Ereshkigal & Enki. Helped Enki & Ninhursag with developing the “Modern Man” / “Adapa” / “The Worker”. Ningishzidda symbolized as entwined serpents, such as Medical Logo (DNA), the task of mixing species to create worker-beings, today’s modern man.


Architect of many of the world’s ziggurats, astronomical clocks, & monuments:

Ebadbarra: “House, Outer Wall,” temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Lagaš-Girsu (Lagash)

Egisbanda: “House of Gišbanda,“ temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Gišbanda

Eguzalama: “House of the Exalted Chamberlain.” temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Babylon

Kigalla: “Great Place,” seat of Ning̃išhzida in é.sag̃,íl at Babylon

Eniggina:, “House of Truth,“ temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Ur, rebuilt by Sin.iqīsam and Rīim-Sin

Chapel in é (E-ana) at Uruk, built by Anam and Merodachbaladam

Temple residence at Girsu [tilde] built by Gudea

Sanctuary at Isin 

♦ Architect of the Egyptian Great Pyramids, & other  monuments. His face was possibly on the Sphinx, & later changed by Marduk to his own son Ashur’s / Osiris’. As founder-snake god, he established the Olmec, the Mayan civilizations, & their calendars.

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  • Adad = Babylonian - The thunderer, storm god

  • Aba = Akkadian

  • Rimmon = Assyrian… Addu, Dadu, Hadad  “Thunderer“

  • Rammanu / Amurru = Amorite

  • Ragimu = Caananite

  • Buriash = Indo-European

  • Meir = Semite – Caucasian descendants of Shem, Hebrews & Arabs

  • Teshub = Hittite - Storm god, wind blower

  • Tesheba = Hurrian, north of Akkad

  • Teshubu = Uratian

  • Thor = Norse - Hammer-weilding god with lightning

  • Indra = Hindu - Wields a lightning thunderbolt weaponVajra.  Weather, Storms...

  • Viracocha = Inca and Mayan - Who of rain, storm, lightning is Maker/Creator


Second son of Ninlil, third main son of Enlil. Brother to Sin, uncle to Utu & Inanna. Younger half brother to Ninurta. Married to Shala, Anu‘s daughter, the Corn Goddess (her symbol). Shala = Hebat Hurrians & Hittites. He is known as the Thunder God. Adad was the main deity of the mountain lands north and west of Mesopotamia. Adad was placed there by his father Enlil, perhaps to protect him from war between brothers.

Adad’s Son:


Adad’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son-Kings:

Son mixed-breed Isin King Ur-Ninurta, “…… may …… be his helper. …… the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…”

Son mixed-breed Ur King Amar-Suen / Bur-Suen, “the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…”

Viracocha, at his base in Lake Titicaca, created this first royal couple (brother-sister/husband-wife)  as his children and gave them an object made of gold. He told them to go north and build a city where the golden object would sink into the earth; the place where the miracle had happened was Cuzco. And that is why the Inca kings—providing they had been born of a succession of brother-sister royal couples—could claim direct descent of the Sun God.

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  • Innin / Ninni = Sumerian

  • Ishtar = Akkadian

  • Irnini = Assyrian

  • Beltis = Assyrian

  • Ishtar / Eshdar = Assyria, Babylonian, Hittite, & others

  • Anunitu = Babylonian

  • Astarte = Canaanite, Egyptian, & Hebrew

  • Anat = Canaanite

  • Aphrodite = Greek

  • Venus = Roman

  • Freya = Viking


Daughter to Sin & Ningal, born on Earth in Badtibira, Nannar / Sin’s industrial city. Twin to brother Utu, younger sister to Ereshkigal. Granddaughter to Earth Colony Commanders Enlil & Ninlil. Born on Enlil’s side of the Anunnaki alien royal family, married into Enki’s family with spouse Dumuzi, who later died. Great-granddaughter to King Anu, his mistress of choice when visiting Earth Colony. Nicknamed Annunitum, “beloved of Anu”, “the holy mistress of Anu”  . Anu gave his “E-ana” ziggurat / residence in Uruk to Inanna, therefore becoming “her city Unug”.


Her city was Aratta, far land east of Sumer, later becoming mistress to Anunnaki King Anu in his city of Uruk, (she ambitiously took Uruk over as hers, along with the 8-pointed star symbol).


E-ana (“House of heaven”) ziggurat / temple of Anu’s, then Inanna’s in Uruk

E-kug-nuna temple of Inanna’s in Uruk


Inanna had a temple built in her brother’s city of Sippar, & one in Aratta, & later had built one for her visitations in most every city of the gods.

E-sherzid-guru “House clad in splendor” temple of Inanna’s in Zabala / Babylon built by Hammurabi

Eturkalama in Babylon – temple / residence


Inanna’s authority & power was usurped when rival cousin Marduk declared humself supreme in Babylon, many wars were caused by alien struggles for power over each other, earthlings died in wars for alien causes, wars ordered by the gods. lover & spouse to mixed-breed King Sharru Kin / Sargon I, founder of Akkad. lover & spouse to mixed-breed King Shulgi, ruler of Ur, & to many dozens more that were giant mixed-breed descendant-kings. King Gilgamesh once denied her sex, stating she had too many lovers, later, he too espoused her.


Inanna, Goddess of Love, depicted nude in many ancient artifacts, sometimes with wings, indicating her capability of piloting flight. temptress to Enki, got him drunk, stole his 100 divine formulas (alien discs of knowledge). Inanna spoiled by Enlil‘s side of King Anu’s family, & an opponent in war to Enki‘s side of the King’s royal lineage.


Inanna’s Sons:

Nergal, son to Enki & Inanna in some texts, son to Enlil in others

Lugalbanda, mixed-breed giant, made king of Uruk, who espoused goddess Ninsun & became parents to many mixed-breeds appointed to kingships

Cara / Shara / Cupid, her son born of mixed-breed King Shu-Sin


Inanna’s Probable Daughter:

Enheduanna, Sargon’s daughter, Inanna’s scribe, & her father Nannar’s high-priestess




  • Ninursag = Sumerian “Lady of the Mountainhead”, in “Kec” (Kish)

  • Aruru = Babylonian, “her city Irisajrig”

  • Nintud, the “Lady who gives birth”, the “Lady who spreads her knees”

  • Nintur / Nintu = “Lady Birth Hut”

  • Ninmah = (“Great Lady”, “Most Exalted Lady”, many other pet names)

  • Ninmena

  • Belet-ili

  • Hathor = Egyptian

  • Demeter = Greek

  • Ceres = Roman

  • Mami = “Wise Birth Goddess”, midwife of the gods, fashioner of the “Model Man”

  • Mammu = the forerunner of mom, or mama


“Mother of the Gods” “Birth Mother”. Daughter to King Anu & concubine Nammu, born on home planet Nibiru. Half sister to Enlil, King Anu‘s heir & Earth Colony Commander. Twin sister to Enki by Anu & Nammu / Urash. Sister to Bau by Anu & Nammu / Urash. Kish was her patron city – Medical Science Center. E-mah (“Great house”) temple to Ninhursag in Babylon.. Chief Medical Officer on Nibiru, & then Earth. Enki’s partner in the creation of “Adapa”, “Model Man” “Adama”, “of Earth’s soil” – “the worker”, modified advanced species, capable of properly replacing the Anunnaki workers – Biblical Adam & descendants.


First goddess of Venus, later given to Inanna. Virgo is Ninhursag’s zodiac sign. Her symbol is the “umbilical chord cutter”. the tool used to cut the umbilical chord of gods & modified earthlings. The Greek “omega” symbol. The electrical symbol for “ohms”, & other things.

Daughters:                                                                   Sons:

Ninsar, by Enki & Ninhursag

Ninkurra / Nindurra, by Enki & Ninsar

Ninimma, by Enki & Ninkurra

Uttu, a second daughter by Enki & Ninkurra,

sometimes by Enki & Ninimma

Nanshe / Nazi, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninsutu, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninkasi, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Azimua, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninti, Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Nina, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninmarki, by Enki & Nina

Martu, by King Anu, (son & a brother)

Ninurta, a son of the “double seed”, by Enlil

Nusku, by  Enlil

Abu, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Nintulla, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Enshag, by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninhursag’s DNA Fashioned Mixed-Breed Creation:

 Adapa/Adam, a son to Enki, via genetic engineering by Ninhursag & Ningishzidda    

(plus 50,000 years of failed fashioning attempts prior to success,  Adapa)

Ninhursag’s DNA Fashioned Creature Creation:

Enkidu, a creation fashioned to become travel companion to King Gilgamesh.

She received the name by which she was more widely known, NIN.HUR.SAG, following the Deluge, when she was granted the region which is today known as the Sinai Peninsula.

Common ancestry


According to the Proto-Indo European Mythology. A large number of common elements are seen across India, Persia, Mesopotamia and Europe. Many features are common in these mythologies. These similarities hint at a common ancestry.


Among the common things are the tales of the great flood, destruction of a great serpent or a dragon at the beginning of creation by a thunderbolt wielding deity. So similarities are undoubtedly there.


The so called "Trimurti", the sacred Hindu triad formed by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is identical to Sumerian Anunnaki triad ANU, ENKI and ENLIL.


Brahma (ANU), the "grandfather", is the god who "rules from the sky" , Vishnu (ENKI) is the "creator", the "preserver", the "life engineer" and Shiva (ENLIL) is the "destroyer".


Puranas; Matsya (the incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a fish) forewarns Manu (a human) about an impending catastrophic flood and orders him to collect all the grains of the world in a boat; in some forms of the story, all living creatures are also to be preserved in the boat.


Notice that Vishnu's characteristics are identical of the Sumerian god Enki, the great Anunnaki genetic engineer. In the Mahabharata is mentioned he created men and the "nagas", serpent beings that looks more like reptile humanoids and also the "danavas", giant humanoids very similar to the "Nephilim".


ANU = Brahma / represents Rajas (passion, creation)

ENKI = Vishnu / represents Sattva (goodness, preservation)

ENLIL = Shiva / represents Tamas (darkness, destruction)

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