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Cynthia L. Turnage

C.L.Turnage, a free lance writer who has an extensive background in history and ancient languages. She has studied over 300 translations of ancient Mesopotamian and Vedic Indian texts, the Hebrew/Greek scriptures, Egyptian writings, and extra-biblical books such as "Enoch the Prophet" as background material for three of her books. Over 40 NASA photographs were scrutinized for Mars and Moon anomalies which might indicate the presence of these extraterrestrials on these two nearby celestial bodies. Turnage is a member of the Ancient Astronaut Society, and is state section director for the Dallas County Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) (MUFON neither endorses nor condemns the work of C.L. Turnage.)          CL Turnage website

The Bible... An Extraterrestrial Transmission

This astounding book by independent researcher C.L. Turnage will revolutionize the way you comprehend the Judeo-Christian scriptures! After reading the Earth Chronicles series by Zecharia Sitchin, Turnage decided to see how much of the Bible supported Sitchen's incredible hypotheses - that the God of the old Testament is an extraterrestrial from the mysterious tenth planet of our solar system. It was this author's conclusion that the entire Bible could only be correctly interpreted with this ancient astronaut hypothesis in mind. In fact, many verses which were once inscrutable and obscure in meaning.
Consequently Turnage has identified which Mesopotamian Deity is YHWH, the God of the Old Testament. An ancient Babylonian text is examined that undeniably provides evidence that this Mesopotamian Deity staged a military coup on planet Nibiru, or "the kingdom of the Heavens" as the Biblical and Mesopotamian texts name it, in order to seize the "throne of Heaven." This enabled him to become "God of Heaven and Earth." 
Amazingly, the Bible not only reveals the 3,600 year orbital cycle of God's planet, but it describes its orbit. Even the Hebrew Temple was laid out as an interplanetary map showing the orbit of Nibiru in this solar system.

Book Details


  • Author:  C.L. Turnage

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First Printing 

  • Publisher: Flying Disk Publications

  • Copyright: May 1995

  • Signed by Author (blurred)


Extraterrestrials Are On The Moon And Mars!

The Photographic Evidence

Aliens continue to operate on both worlds. Fresh discoveries from the author indicate that the builders of interplanetary monuments such as the "FACE ON MARS" and a gigantic "CULT SYMBOL" of the most infamous SUMERIAN deity, EA/ENKI, are none other than the Sumerian deities of ancient Mesopotamia.
The book includes mathematical evidence, geometric designs, NASA photographs (frame numbers) and illustrations supporting this author's theory. 

Book Details


  • Author: C.L. Turnage

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Flying Disk Publications

  • Copyright: October 1995

  • Singed by Author (blurred)

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Book Details


  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: Second printing July 1996

  • Publisher: Flying Disk Publications

  • Copyright: 1995, 1996

  • Singed by Author (blurred)

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War In Heaven!

The Case for Solar System War

From a study of the extra-biblical books of Enoch, Turnage ascertained the political events that transpired on earth when the Nibirians intermarried with earthling females. As you will learn, these events determined Nibiran policy for both humanity and the exiled Nibirian factions on earth.
Author C.L. Turnage presents evidence that there was once a frightening solar system war. Photographs of crater anomalies taken by NASA probes seem to indicate that craters on the moon and Mars are not randomly placed, as would be expected were they all from natural causes. These probes, as well as evidence brought back by Apollo astronauts verify the use of nuclear weapons on the surface of the moon.
The New Testament scriptures describe "warfare in heavenly places;" and other ancient Babylonian texts identify the adversary of the God of the Old Testament, who tried to seize control of Heaven and Earth during the time of Daniel. Find out the true meaning of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image. From a critique of ancient texts, eyewitness accounts written by ancient scholars, and an analysis of physical evidence, Turnage has discovered the reason for this science-fiction style interplanetary conflict. And, according to archaic and modern sources, this ultimate war is not over. . .
Read this provocative interpretation of ancient data to find out the physical and political ramifications of a passing of Nibiru, as it once again reaches the asteroid belt during the biblical "Day of the Lord." The presence of UFO's in biblical literature is pointed out and expounded upon by the author.

Book Details


  • Author: C.L. Turnage

  • Publisher: Flying Disk Publications

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First Printing May 1996

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Sexual Encounters With Extraterrestrials!

A Provocative Examination of Alien Contact


C. L. Turnage researched "firsthand" accounts of sexual contact with extraterrestrials. Amazing information suggests that many ET races are having intimate relations with humans here on earth on a regular basis. The 21 case studies of humans either abducted and taken onboard alien crafts for sex or forced into copulation with ETs using various sleep induced hypnotic trances are investigated.
Meet courageous individuals who claim to have experienced torrid sexual affairs with "Reptilians", "Nordics", and other ET races. Glimpse the technology imparted to us by these innocent earthlings as they visit on-board spaceships.
Explore the author's theories concerning the illicit rendezvous with humans. While, on the surface, this book seems to be a provocative investigation, it opens up the very strong possibility that we (the human race) has long been used to create various extraterrestrial hybrid races without our knowledge.
And finally, a completely new chapter considering the possibility that the Biblical Story of the birth of Jesus was actually a hybrid produced by “ET fertilization”.


Book Details


  • Author: C.L. Turnage

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing 

  • Publisher: Timeless Voyager Press

  • Copyright: September 1997

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Holy Bible is an Extraterrestrial Transmission

New Evidence That The
  • Author: C.L. Turnage

  • Edition: New Edition Edited and Forward by Bruce Stephen Holms

  • Printing: Fourth

  • Publisher: Timeless Voyager Press

  • Copyright: April, 1998

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Extraterrestrials Are On The Moon and Mars!

The Photographic Evidence

Is God and E.T. from Sitchin's Nibiru?  Does the Bible revial the 3,600 year orbital cycle of God's planet? Which Sumerian Deity is YHWH, the god of the Old Testament?  Is the Bible written in secret mathematical code? Can this code be employed to calculate the next appearance of planet heaven into Earth's vicinity? Fresh discoveries from the author indicate that the builders of interplanetary monuments such as the "Face on Mars" and a gigantic "Cult Symbol" of the most infamous Sumerian deity, EA/ENKI, are none other than the Sumerian deities of ancient Mesopotatmia.

Book Details


  • Author: C.L. Turnage

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Timeless Voyager Press

  • Copyright: 1998

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ET's Are On The Moon and Mars

The Photographic Evidence

NASA photographs confirm that ET's have inhabited and continue

to inhabit both the earth's moon and the planet MARS!

- Is NASA hiding information from us concerning the Mars and moon missions? - Why are there more photographs from earlier missions indicating ET presence? - Is it possible that as space technology has improved, there would be less information?  - How can it be that NASA had so many successes over 20 years ago with less sophisticated technologies?  -Why is the photographic evidence being suppressed?  -Forty-four rarely viewed official NASA photographs. -Twenty illustrations provide more evidence.  -Transcriptions of astronauts' sightings.

Book Details


  • Author: C.L. Turnage

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Timeless Voyager Press

  • Copyright: 2000

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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