Bloodline of the Holy Grail
From royal and suppressed archives comes documented proof of the heritage of Jesus in the West and the long awaited discovery of the Holy Grail. In fulfilling this time-honored quest, penetrating new light is cast upon the Grail Code of Service and the venerated feminine element, upheld in chivalry but forsaken by the Church in order to forge a male dominated society.
This unique work offers revelatory insight concerning the descendant heirs of Jesus and his brother James while, in documenting a hidden legacy of the Messiah, it unveils hitherto guarded facts about characters such as Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea. Tracing the sacred lineage through centuries of persecution and Inquisition, Bloodline of the Holy Grail reveals a systematic suppression of authentic records and a strategic manipulation of the New Testament Gospels.
Featuring all the charm and adventure of Arthurial romance, coupled with enthralling Rosicrucian and Templar disclosures, this extraordinary work has a cutting edge of intrigue that removes the established blanket of enigma to expose one of the greatest conspiracies ever told.

Book Details
Author: Laurence Gardner
Edition: First
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Element Books Ltd.
Copyright: 1996
Signed by Author (blurred)

Realm of the Ring Lords
The Myth and Magic of the Grail Quest
The magical history of the Ring Lords, alluded to in J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Lord of the Rings, has been largely consigned to legend and half-remembered battles between good and evil. Shrouded in supernatural enigma, its legacy lives on in fascinating tales of fairies, elves, witches, and vampires.
The most popular Grail stories relate to Arthurian tales of Guinevere’s golden Ring and the great iron-clad Ring of Camelot—the Knights of the Round Table. When this Ring was broken, the land fell into chaos and the forces of darkness reigned over the earth, starlight, and forest.
Why do we sense deeper truths behind the mysteries of the Ring and the Grail? Why have their common enhancements been distorted and hidden?
The ancient guardians of our culture have never featured positively in academic teachings, for they were the Shining Ones: the real progenitors of our heritage. Instead, their reality was quashed from the earliest days of Inquisitional suppression and the literal diminution of their figures caused a parallel diminishing of their history. In truth, however, the sovereign legacy of our culture comes from a place and time that might just as well be called Middle-earth as by any other name. It lingers beyond the twilight portal in the long distant realm of the Ring Lords.

Author: Laurence Gardner
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: Fisrt printing
Publisher: MediaQuest Int. Ltd.
Copyright: 2000
Signed by Author (blurred)

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark
Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold
From the tombs of pharaonic Egypt, to the laboratories of modern science, comes the extraordinary account of gravity defiance and teleportation in the ancient world, and amazing revelations about the past power and future significance of the sacred Ark.
The sacred Ark of the Covenant, created from a legendary substance, is the source of one of the deepest mysteries of the Western world. No reason is given in the Bible as to why the Ark of the Covenant was so richly contrived, and no explanation exists of its alleged awesome and deadly powers.
Laurence Gardner has accessed Rosicrucian archives in liaison with eminent nuclear physicists to reveal where the ark is, what it is, and how this lost secret of the distant past, has led to the phenomenal new science of space-time manipulation.
Gardner's controversial research reveals that the secret of the pharaohs' rite of passage to the Afterlife was due to an amazing magical substance, which was directly associated with the pyramids and the biblical Ark of the Covenant.
This substance, now known to be superconductive monatomic gold, became know as the Philosophers' Stone, while in today's corridors of quantum mechanics its attributes are classified as 'the most remarkable physical property in the universe'.

Author: Laurence Gardner
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: Fourth printing
Publisher: Thorsons
Copyright: March 25, 2003
Signed by Author (blurred)