Other tongues - Other flesh
In more recent times, there has been a growing realization that on other worlds than ours, even in other universes, there are other living beings. The idea that earthbound man may someday journey into the heavens to discover other men and women, like or unlike himself, "grows by leaps and bounds. Within man's soul lies the truth--mortals exist on other spheres!Here is a book that brings home this tremendous fact with a dynamic force and sweep that will astound the reader, and convince him beyond all doubt. Here is a history, a collection of proof, and a tremendous theory.While man in his heart knows that other worlds are also inhabited, he is reluctant to admit that Earth is only one small house of the "many mansions" in the Father's house. But the truth stares him in he face, and now, having arrived at a place in his civilization where only Truth will be able to survive.
Space visitors, mentioned in the Bible and ancient mythology, have been coming to Earth throughout the ages, and are now making themselves known to aid mankind in entering a New Age.
Here, in this book, is the history of other tongues, and of other flesh; calm, scientific evidence that there are brothers of ours in the skies overhead. We are not alone in the Universe!

Book Details
Author: George Hunt Williamson
Edition: First
Printing: First
Copyright: 1953
Publisher: Amherst Press
Signed by author (blurred)

Secret Places of the Lion
The earliest records recorded the arrival of “ radiant beings from heaven” [ANUNNAKI]; these spiritual creatures were the inhabitants of more majestic and enlightened worlds . . . descended from their radiant heavenly homes ... [NIBIRU] to lift the physical, mental and spiritual level of humanity.
Posing as wanderers, they would declare universal wisdom and truth at certain periods of history when people were prepared to receive it; then they would withdraw for a time to see what was done with the new-found knowledge. Thus, the rises and plateaus of our cultural history emerged.
Secret Places of the Lion shows how these great ones have helped mankind for thousands of years, hiding their secrets in tombs, caverns, temple ruins, and catacombs.

Book Details
Author: George Hunt Williamson
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: First
Publisher: Amherst Press
Copyright: 1958

Road in the Sky
The travellers are mentioned in all the records of past civilizations as the 'gods' who rode the starways in 'flaming chariots' or on ' falcons of gold'. These travellers along the road in the sky are in the skies of Earth today, and their 'golden chariots' have become the modern 'UFOs'. Their 'highway' is more active today than it ever was in the past... a great Celestial Host moves towards Earth. [Nibiru]

Book Details
Author: George Hunt Williamson
Edition: First Hardcover
Printing: 1st printing
Copyright: 1959
Publisher: Neville Spearman Ltd
Signed by author (blurred)