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King Ptolemy commissioned, circa 270 B.C., an Egyptian priest whom the Greeks called Manetho to compile the history and prehistory of Egypt. At first, Manetho wrote, only the gods reigned there, then demigods, and finally, circa 3100 B.C., Pharaonic dynasties began. The divine reigns, he wrote, began ten thousand years before the Flood and continued for thousands of years thereafter, the latter period having witnessed battles and wars among the gods.


In the Asiatic domains of Alexander, where reign fell into the hands of the general Seleucos and his successors, a similar effort to provide the Greek savants with a record of past events took place. A priest of the Babylonian god Marduk, Berossus, with access to libraries of clay tablets whose core was the temple library of Harran (now in southeastern Turkey), wrote down in three volumes a history of gods and men that began 432,000 years before the Deluge, when the gods came to Earth from the heavens. Listing by name and reign durations the first ten commanders, Berossus reported that the first leader, dressed as a fish, waded ashore from the sea. He was the one who gave Mankind civilization; and his name, rendered in Greek, was Oannes.


Dovetailing in many details, both priests thus rendered accounts of gods of heaven who had come to Earth, of a time when gods alone reigned on Earth, and of the catastrophic Deluge. In the fragmentary bits and pieces retained (in other contemporary writings) from the three volumes, Berossus specifically reported the existence of writings from before the Great Flood—stone tablets that were hidden for safekeeping in an ancient city called Sippar, one of the original cities established by the ancient gods.

Numbers 23 

"El is not a man, that he should lie;
   Neither the son of man, that he should repent:"

"Yahweh his Elohim is with him,
   praised as their king.
El who brought them out of Egypt..."

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Summary of  how religion, metaphysics, and traditional stories treat the Anunnaki (Ancient Astronauts). Compare these perspectives with scientific studies of nonhuman consciousness. Juxtaposing studies of the fossil record, DNA family trees, archaeological anomalies, the history of science and technology, cultural institutions, and the development of alphabets and world languages reveals considerable congruence with the Ancient Astronaut-intervention hypothesis.

A new look at prehistory suggests early Genus Homo followed a natural evolutionary path with no inclination to worship unseen gods. Widespread evidence points to AA's with advanced technologies intervening decisively in human development in Africa, and Sumer and Egypt (the Cradle of Western Civilization). An interdisciplinary analysis shows the AA-intervention hypothesis offers a plausible explanation for the presently documented, punctuated fossil and phylogenetic records of Homo sapiens physical development.


Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry - 2017

"Ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant (Middle East). Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians."


A re-analysis of extant texts indicates a symbiotic interaction between early humans and Anunnaki colonists on Earth could have resulted in emotional dependence conducive to cults (2,000 to 4,000 years ago). Dominance by AA's could have led to the inferiority complex found in concepts like the "fall of humankind". Twentieth-century reactions of traditional peoples to European colonization, sometimes known as "cargo cults", provide an apt analogy for this complex.


If, as the record suggests, the ruling Anunnaki pulled away from humans, those left behind could have experienced separation anxiety that led to ongoing worship of the now absent AA's. They prayed to them for continued protection. Seeking to re-link with their former gods, the cults appear to have developed religious rituals to induce the Anunnaki to return or to gather the faithful in the "heavens."

As a hoped-for "second coming" passed, memories of AA-gods appear to have evolved into speculative ideas about "supernatural" beings (less than 2,000 years ago). Prophets and writers reinterpreted biblical texts about real AA's to suggest they were ethereal beings. Original texts were treated as metaphorical.

Hebrew, Roman, and Arabic priests assumed the task of interpreting the newly imagined supernatural realm. They created symbols and liturgy to perpetuate the faith among believers and to gain new converts. History turned into myth. In the final stage of the Roman Empire, priests joined with political leaders to develop a theocratic government. Subsequently, supernatural religions have sought to impose their beliefs on natural, secular institutions of government.

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Scholars and theologians alike now recognize that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down millennia earlier in Mesopotamia, especially by the Sumerians. And they, in turn, clearly stated that they obtained their knowledge of past events—many from a time before civilizations began, even before Mankind came to be—from the writings of the Anunnaki (“Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”)—the “gods” of antiquity.


As a result of a century and a half of archaeological discoveries in the ruins of the ancient civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early texts have been found; the finds have also revealed the extent of missing texts—so-called lost books—which are either mentioned in discovered texts or are inferred from such texts, or that are known to have existed because they were cataloged in royal or temple libraries.


Sometimes the “secrets of the gods” were partly revealed in epic tales, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, that disclosed the debate among the gods that led to the decision to let Mankind perish in the Deluge, or in a text titled Atra Hasis, which recalled the mutiny of the Anunnaki who had toiled in the gold mines that led to the creation of Primitive Workers—Earthlings. From time to time the leaders of the astronauts themselves authored compositions: sometimes dictating the text to a chosen scribe, as the text called The Erra Epos, in which one of the two gods who had caused the nuclear calamity sought to shift the blame to his adversary; sometimes the god acted as his own scribe, as is the case regarding the Book of the Secrets of Thoth (the Egyptian god of knowledge), which the god had secreted in a subterranean chamber.

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Enuma Elish

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