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David Hatcher Childress

Born in France to American parents, and raised in Colorado and Montana, United States, Childress went to University of Montana–Missoula to study archaeology, but left college in 1976 at 19 to begin travelling in pursuit of his archaeological interests. Childress chronicled his explorations in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s in his Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries series of books. Childress moved to Kempton, Illinois, and established a publishing company named Adventures Unlimited Press. In 1992, Childress founded the World Explorers Club, which occasionally runs tours to places he writes about, and publishes a magazine called World Explorer. Childress's company has published nearly 200 books (many translated into foreign languages) over the course of two dozen years. Childress himself has authored and co-authored over a dozen books.

Technology Of The Gods

The incredible science of the ancients

Popular Lost Cities author David Childress opens the door to the amazing world of ancient technology, from the computers of the ancient world to the "flying machines of the gods." Technology of the Gods explores the technology that was allegedly used in Atlantis and the theory that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was originally a gigantic power station. Childress also uncovers many other mysteries, including: * the technology of ancient flight * how the ancients used electricity * megalithic building techniques * the use of crystal lenses and the fire from the gods * ancient evidence of high-tech weapons, including atomic weapons * the role of modern inventors, such as Nikola Tesla, in bringing ancient technology into modern use * impossible artifacts, and more, much more. Childress has done it again! From beginning to end, Technology of the Gods is filled with facts, keen observations and tales that challenge modern assumptions in a humorous, intelligent and compelling way that is quintessential Childress.

Book Details


  • Author: David H. Childress

  • Edition: First edition

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Copyright: April 2000

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited

  • Signed by author (blurred)

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Anti-Gravity and the World Grid

Learn the purpose of ley lines and ancient megalithic structures located on the grid. Discover how the grid made the Philadelphia Experiment possible. Explore Coral Castle and other mysteries including acoustic levitation, Tesla shields and Scalar wave weaponry.

Book Details


  • Editor: David Hatcher Childress 

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 1987

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Lost Cities of China, Central Asia, and India

A Traveler's Guide

Childress takes the reader on unforgettable journeys in search of lost cities and ancient mysteries. Join him as he crosses deserts, mountains, and jungles in search of legendary cities, vast gold treasure, jungle pyramids, ancient seafarers, living dinosaurs, and solutions to the fantastic mysteries of the past.

Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 1985

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific

Was there once a continent in the Pacific called Lemuria or Pacifica by ecologists, and Mu or Pan by the mystics? There is now ample mythological, geological and archaeological evidence to 'prove' that an advanced and ancient civilisation once lived in the central Pacific. Childress combs the Indian Ocean, Australia and the Pacific in search of the astonishing truth about mankind's past. Contains photos of the underwater city on Pompeii, explains how statues were levitated around Easter Island in a clockwise vortex movement; disappearing islands; Egyptians in Australia; and more.


Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Publisher:  Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Copyright: 1988

  • Signed by Author (blurred)


Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis

In this incredible volume on ancient India, authentic Indian texts and epics are used to prove that aircraft were in use more than four thousand years ago. A 4th-centeruy B.C. manuscript translated into English; Secrets of Mercury Vortex Propulsion; the incredible Rama Empire of India and the devastating wars that destroyed it; secret libraries and ancient science; Atlantean aircraft and technology and more.
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Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress 

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 1991

  • Singed by Author (blurred)

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Ancient Tonga & the Lost City of Mu'A

Including Samoa, Fiji, & Rarotonga

Takes us to the south sea islands of Tonga, Rarotonga, Samoa and Fiji to investigate the megalithic ruins on these beautiful islands. With old drawings, photos and maps, Childress elaborates on the great empire of the Polynesians, centred on Tonga. Chapters in this books are on the Lost City of Mu'a and its many megalithic pyramids, the Ha'amonga Trilithon and ancient -Polynesian astronomy, Samoa and the search for the lost land of Havaiiki, Fiji and its wars with Tonga, Rarotonga's megalithic road, Polynesian cosmology, and a chapter on the predicted re-emergence of the ancient land of Mu. Material on Egyptians in the Pacific, past and future earth changes, the fortified moat around Mu'a, lost roads, and more.

Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Publisher:  Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First Printing

  • Copyright: July 1, 1996

  • Signed by Author (blurred)


Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean

Atlantis! The legendary lost continent comes under the close scrutiny of archaeologist David Hatcher Childress. From Ireland to Turkey, Morocco to Eastern Europe, or remote islands of the Mediterranean and Atlantic, Childress takes the reader on an astonishing quest for mankind's past. Ancient technology, cataclysms, megalithic construction, lost civilisations, and devastating wars of the past are all explored in this amazing book. Childress challenges the sceptics and proves that great civilisations not only existed in the past but that the modern world and its problems are reflections of the ancient world of Atlantis.

Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 1996 Feb 14

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South America

Childress takes the reader on journeys deep into deadly jungles, windswept mountains, and scorching deserts in search of lost civilisations and ancient mysteries. Explore stone cities high in mountain forests and fantastic tales of Inca treasure, living dinosaurs, and a mysterious tunnel system. Whether he is hopping freight trains, searching for secret cities or just dealing with the daily problems of food, money, and romance, the author keeps the reader spellbound.

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Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Edition: First

  • Printing: 13th 2011

  • Copyright: 1986

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Signed by author (blurred)

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The Mystery Of The Olmecs

Lost Cities author Childress takes us deep into Mexico and Central America in search of the mysterious Olmecs, North America’s early, advanced civilization. The Olmecs, now sometimes called Proto-Mayans, were not acknowledged to have existed as a civilization until an international archeological meeting in Mexico City in 1942. Now, the Olmecs are slowly being recognized as the Mother Culture of Mesoamerica, having invented writing, the ball game and the “Mayan" Calendar. But who were the Olmecs? Where did they come from? What happened to them? How sophisticated was their culture? How far back in time did it go? Why are many Olmec statues and figurines seemingly of foreign peoples such as Africans, Europeans and Chinese? Is there a link with Atlantis? In this heavily illustrated book, join Childress in search of the lost cities of the Olmecs! Chapters include: The Mystery of the Origin of the Olmecs; The Mystery of the Olmec Destruction; The Mystery of Quizuo; The Mystery of Transoceanic Trade; The Mystery of Cranial Deformation; The Mystery of Olmec Writing; more. Heavily illustrated, includes a color photo section.


Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 2007 June

  • Signed by Author (blurred)


A Hitchhikers Guide to Armageddon

With wit and humor, popular Lost Cities author David Hatcher Childress takes us around the world and back in his trippy finalé to the Lost Cities series. He’s off on an adventure in search of the apocalypse and end times. Childress hits the road from the fortress of Megiddo, the legendary citadel in northern Israel where Armageddon is prophesied to start. Hitchhiking around the world, Childress takes us from one adventure to another, to ancient cities in the deserts and the legends of worlds before our own. Childress muses on the rise and fall of civilizations, and the forces that have shaped mankind over the millennia, including wars, invasions and cataclysms. He discusses the ancient Armageddons of the past, and chronicles recent Middle East developments and their ominous undertones. In the meantime, he becomes a cargo cult god on a remote island off New Guinea, gets dragged into the Kennedy Assassination by one of the “conspirators,” investigates a strange power operating out of the Altai Mountains of Mongolia, and discovers how the Knights Templar and their off-shoots have driven the world toward an epic battle centered around Jerusalem and the Middle East.


Book Details


  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: Second printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 2001

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Flying Saucers over Los Angeles

Chronicles the first year of the flying saucer hysteria, from 24 June 1947 to 14 June 1950. Starting with the well-known Roswell crash and Maury Island incidents, Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles continues to little-known sightings and presents a contemporaneous view of the earliest UFO excitement in 1950s America. Unvarnished by the accumulated speculation of the last 46 years and from the vantage point of certainty that flying saucers are real, Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles unveils a previously unpublished manuscript by DeWayne as well as news and eyewitness accounts of actual flying saucer sightings over the LA basin.


Book Details


  • Author: DeWayne B. (Doc) Johnson,  Kenn Thomas,  David Hatcher Childress 

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: 1998 June 1

  • Signed by Author (blurred)

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Extraterrestrial Archaeology

View for your self the astounding evidence that the many planets and moons of our Solar System were not only inhabited in the past, but continue to be inhabited today. This comprehensive book includes hundreds of photos, drawings and maps. It takes the reader to the strange and fascinating worlds of Mars, our Moon, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and beyond in a visual search for ancient structures, unusual surface features, and evidence that 'extraterrestrials' are living on the nearby planets. Using official NASA and Russian photos, as well as other photos and drawings done by telescope viewers, this book seeks to prove that life exists outside of planet Earth.

  • Author: David Hatcher Childress

  • Edition: First Edition

  • Printing: First printing

  • Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press

  • Copyright: May 1994


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