Not Of This World
A dissertation about the historic relationship between civilization and visitors from space, consisting of hundreds of examples drawn from the pages of ancient texts and documents, presented and interpreted. His innumerable facts, a wealth of precise detail and quotations from mythology and ancient literature support his argument that a highly advanced technological people from another world had contact with our planet in the prehistoric past.

Book Details
Author: Peter Kolosimo
Edition: First
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: Souvenir Press
Copyright: 1970

Timeless Earth
Twentieth-century science now has startling new evidence to challenge our most basic beliefs about our world! Peter Kolosimo, internationally acclaimed author of Not of This World, analyzes a wealth of new information about primitive societies, transoceanic voyages in primeval times, links between ancient cultures, lost civilizations and prehistoric technologies. His conclusions are staggering, but supported by scientists around the world. Creatures from outer space have not only walked among us--They have shaped the path of our history!

Book Details
Author: Peter Kolosimo
Edition: First
Printing: First Printing
Publisher: University Books
Copyright: 1973