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Flying Saucers in the Bible
Brasington provides a comprehensive list of the many references to clouds in the Old Testament, specifically God appearing at various times to be using “clouds” as a form of transportation. This incident is recorded in the 16th chapter of Exodus. But clouds are not the only symbolic representation of God’s celestial modes of transportation. The Bible speaks of fiery chariots called the "merkavah." Several modern Israelis have suggested that UFOs in Hebrew are called "merkavah mophtim," or "vehicles of wonder."
According to Brasington, the Bible also speaks of the fiery chariots as being heavenly ambassadors, or angels. The prophets said that these were the "watchmen" watching over Israel, and that they were acting on the behalf of Israel, according to the will of God.
Does the Old Testament refer to what we would today call "UFOs," fighting on behalf of Israel? Is the same alien presence that drove the stories of the Old Testament still present today, watching over a Promised Land divided by racial conflict and warfare? If so, do they offer an assurance of a future peace, or future slavery? Read this book to find some of the answers.

Book Details
Author: Virginia F. Brasington
Edition: First edition
Printing: First printing
Publisher: Saucerian Books
Copyright: 1963

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