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Anunnaki: The New World

When the Old World order was upheavaled, Thoth undertook the task of bringing his expert followers over: to start a new life, a new civilization, and new mining operations.
In time, these operations and the miners, the Olmecs, moved south, first to Mexico's Pacific shores, then across the isthmus into northern South America. Their ultimate destination was the Chavin area; there they met the gold miners of Adad, the people of the golden wand.



Viracocha, Gate of the Sun


The Sumerians, where the Old World pantheons originated, called this god Adad or ISH.KUR  and depicted him with the metal tool and forked lightning. 


Viracocha of the Andean highlands, whose image with the metal tool and forked lightning appeared all over. whose symbol of a lightning appeared by itself on many monuments'? He may have even been shown standing upon a bull in a stone carving found southwest of Lake Titicaca by Ribero and von Tschudi.  Scholars who have studied the name Viracocha in its diverse variants agree that its components mean "Lord/Supreme" who of "Rain/Storm/Lightning" is "Maker/Creator." An Inca hymn described him as the god "who comes in the thunder and in the storm clouds." This is almost word for word the way this deity, the God of Storms, was lauded in Mesopotamia; and the golden disk from Cuzco depicts a deity with the telltale symbol of the forked lightning.

For, as the Book of Job 28:1 had stated, there was indeed a land of which the ingots come, whose underground is upheavaled as with fire ... A place so high among the peaks that "even a vulture knows not the way thereto, and a falcon's eye has not discerned it." 

1 “There is a place where silver is mined

and a place where gold is refined.

2 Iron is taken from the ground,

and rocks are melted for ⌊their⌋ copper.

3 ⌊Miners⌋ bring an end to darkness ⌊there⌋

and search to the limit of the gloomy, pitch-black rock.

4 They open up a mineshaft far from civilization,

where no one has set foot.

⌊In this shaft⌋ men dangle and swing back and forth.


Tlaloc, Toltec

Rain and thunder god with lightning bolt 

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Viracocha, Inca

The rain, storm, lightning god

5 “Above the ground food grows,

but beneath it the food decays as if ⌊it were burned⌋ by fire.

6 That place’s stones are sapphire.

Its dust contains gold.

7 No bird of prey knows the way to it.

No hawk’s eye has ever seen it.

8 No proud beast has ever walked on it.

No ferocious lion has ever passed over it.

9 “⌊Miners exert their power on the flinty rocks and overturn mountains at their base.

10 They cut out mineshafts in the rocks.

Their eyes see every precious thing.

11 They explore the sources of rivers

so that they bring hidden treasures to light.

23 “Elohim  understands the way to it.

He knows where it lives

24 because he can see to the ends of the earth and observe everything under heaven.

25 When he gave the wind its force

and measured the water ⌊in the sea⌋,

26 when he made rules for the rain

and set paths for the thunderbolts...

This Elohim was ISH.KUR - Adad/Viracocha/Tlaloc.  Rain and Thunder god with lightning bolt.

Tlaloc, Aztec depictions have common elements: goggle eyes, curled mustache, and beard.

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Tlaloc, Toltec pillar

with Quetzalcoatl above

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Viracocha/Tlaloc, Peru Palpa lines which are at least 1000 years older than the Nazca Lines. Notice the goggle eyes and thunderbolt.


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The golden age of the New Worlds did not last forever. Olmec sites in Mexico underwent destruction; the Olmecs themselves and their bearded companions met a brutal end. Mochica pottery depicts enslaving giants and winged gods warring with metal blades. The Ancient Empire witnessed tribal clashes and invasions. And in the highlands of Titicaca, Aymara legends recalled invaders who marched up the mountains from the seacoast and slew the white men who were still there.
Were these reflections of the conflicts among the Anunnaki, in which they increasingly involved Mankind? Or did it all begin to happen after the gods had left—sailing off upon the sea, ascending heavenward?

Whichever way it happened, it is certain that in time the links between the Old World and the New World were broken off. In the Old World the Americas became only a dim memory—hints by this or that classical writer, tales of Atlantis heard from Egyptian priests, even perplexing maps that trace unknown continents. Was it all myth, were there really lands of gold and tin beyond the Pillars of Hercules? In time, the New World became the Lost Realms as far as Westerners were concerned.

In the New Realms themselves, the golden past became only a legendary memory as the centuries rolled on. But the memories would not die, and the tales persisted—of how it all began and where, of Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha, of how they will one day return.

As we now find colossal heads, megalithic walls, abandoned sites, a lonely gate with its Weeping God, we must wonder: Were the American peoples right in telling us that these gods were among them, in expecting them to return?

For until white man came again and only wrought havoc, the people of the Andes, where it all began, could only look at the empty golden enclosures and hope against hope to see once again their winged God of the Golden Tears.

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Anu and Antu returned to Nibiru, the peaceful division of Earth among the Anunnaki clans was disturbed. It was circa 3450 B.C., when the incident of the Tower of Babel took place: an attempt by Marduk/Ra to obtain primacy for his city Babylon in Mesopotamia. Though frustrated by Enlil and Ninurta, the attempt to involve Mankind in building a launch tower brought about the decision of the gods to disperse Mankind and confuse its languages. The sole civilization and its language were now to be split up; and after a chaotic period that lasted some 350 years, the civilization of the Nile, with its own language and rudimentary writing, was formed. It happened, Egyptologists tell us, circa 3100 B.C.

Frustrated in his effort to assume supremacy in civilized Sumer, Marduk/Ra seized upon the granting of civilization to the Egyptians to return to that land and reclaim its lordship from his brother Thoth. Now Thoth found himself a god without a people; and that he was accompanied by some of his faithful followers.  He chose an abode in the New World—in Mesoamerica.

It happened not just "circa 3100 B.C." but exactly in 3113 B.C.—the time, the year, and even the day from which the Mesoamericans began their Long Count.

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Quetzalcoatl was primarily a god of the priests, and the only members of the laity to enter his temples were not the ordinary people but the noblemen who claimed descent from the god. 

To quote Sahagun: "Although this Quetzalcoatl had been a man they respected him as a god. He was said to sweep the road clear for the rain gods, because just before the rainy season commenced there were days of strong winds which raised storms of dust. Thus they said Quetzalcoatl made the way clear for the rain gods to come forth and pour out the rains. The lords and noblemen held a great festival for Quetzalcoatl, Lord of the Winds, in this first House [=day, regarded as a house in the sky from which the deity ruled]."


Spanish historian Father Bernardino de Sahagun also relates,  "Elsewhere he built some beautiful houses under the earth at the place called Mictlancalco [Beside the Underworld, now called Mitla.]". He was also the god of learning and culture, the wind god, and god of the air.

It is clear that he is not wholly of divine origin. He starts as an earthly king, the great bringer of culture. He gives man all the arts but is cast out by the powers of this world. He goes on a long journey in search of his destiny, falls victim to the temptations of the flesh and in the end launches out on the great waters, to be burnt up and recreated.


1519 c.e. Montezuma seated himself near Cortes and began to speak:

"Long time have we been informed by the writings of our ancestors," said Montezuma, "that neither myself nor any of those who inhabit this land are natives of it, but rather strangers who have come to it from foreign parts. We likewise know that from those parts our nation was led by a certain lord to whom all were subject and who then went back to his native and, where he remained so long delaying his return that at his coming those whom he had left had married the women of the land and had many children by them and had built themselves cities in which they lived, so that they would in no wise return to their own land nor acknowledge him as lord; upon which he left them."


Quetzalcoatl was also worshipped at Tula (Tollan) where a temple-pyramid was dedicated to him.  Franciscan friar Juan de Torquemada reveals that Quetzalcoatl was only be adoption a god of the Aztecs. He belonged to the Toltecs: "His people, they the Toltecs." Tula, where the Fair God was said to dwelt twenty years - years that called "the wonder age" of the Toltecs. Credited with bringing the art of picture writing from the Land of the Sun (arriving from the east - the rising sun), teaching the Toltecs to become master builders as their name implies, "Toltec, meaning "master builder".


The plain fact is, American "pyramids" have been misnamed.  They resemble more closely than anything else the ziggurats of Mesopotamia.  American and Babylonian ziggurats served a communal purpose: they were places of worship.  Babylonian ziggurats too had outside staircases leading steeply up the face. Egyptian pyramids had none.



The names of the Fair Gods, Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec language, Kukulcan in the Mayan, and Gucumatz in the Quiche all have an identical meaning: "the feathered serpent, the snake covered with feathers, the green-feathered snake."  


A frequent companion of Quetzalcoatl was Tlaloc, the rain god who like (H)Adad the Mesopotamian thunder and storm god is depicted with a lightning bolt in one hand (Viracocha). Torquemada the Spanish chronicler, has described Tlaloc as the oldest deity known "He carried  a thunderbolt in his right hand, a sign of thunder and lightning; whilst his left held a tuft of variegated feathers."

Olmec monument 19, earliest representation of the plumed serpent (1400 b.c.e.) ridden by an early representation of Tlaloc. Notice the Anunnaki handbag.

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In a nearly identical scene. A relief from Tajin (meaning thunder) showing the rain god Tlaloc riding Quetzalcoatl. Notice the Anunnaki handbag.

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Temple of Quetzalcoatl, Teotihuacan ("the place where the gods were created") - Olmec/Toltec construction. The head of the Feathered Serpent is on the left, its body across the façade ends in a rattle on the right, in its center it carries Tlaloc the rain/thunder god.


Quetzalcoatl (Ningishzidda/Thoth) on the right, speaking to Tlaloc (Viracocha/Adad).  Speech glyph points to the 10th planet Nibiru.

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The Fuente Magna of Pokotia Bolivia

 The Fuente Magna bowl was found accidentally by a worker from the CHUA Hacienda, property of the Manjon family located near Lake Titicaca about 75-80 km from the city of La Paz, Bolivia. The Bolivian archeologist, don Max Portugal-Zamora, learned of the Fuente Magna’s existence around 1958-1960 from his friend Pastor Manjon.  Both gave the site the name it bears today, "Fuente Magna".


Dr. Alberto Marini, translated it and reported that it was Sumerian..  After a careful examination of the Fuente Magna, linear script Dr. Clyde A. Winters  determined that it was probably Proto-Sumerian, which is found on many artifacts from  in Mesopotamia. An identical script was used by the Elamites called Proto-Elamite.


Dr. Winters believed that researchers had been unable to read the writing because they refused to compare Proto-Elamite and Proto-Sumerian writing with other writing systems used in 3000-2000 BC. He compared the writing to the Libyco-Berber writing used in the Sahara 5000 years ago. This writing was used by the Proto-Dravidians (of the Indus Valley), Proto-Mande , Proto-Elamites and Proto-Sumerians.


These people formerly lived in Middle Africa, until the extensive desertification of the Sahara began after 3500 BC. A Mr. Rawlinson, was sure that the Sumerians had formerly lived in Africa, and he used Semitic and African languages spoken in Ethiopia to decipher the cuneiform writing. Rawlins called the early dwellers of Mesopotamia: Kushites, because he believed that the ancestors of these people were the Western Kushites of Classical literature.


Winters noted that the Libyco-Berber script couldn’t be read using the Berber language, because the Berbers only entered Africa around the time the Vandals conquered much of North Africa. Although the Libyco-Berber script cannot be read using the Berber language, it can be read using the Mande language. This is because the Proto-Mande formerly lived in Libya, until they migrated from this area into the Niger valley of West Africa.


The Vai script has signs similar to the Libyco-Berber, Indus valley, Linear A of Crete, Proto-Elamite and Proto-Sumerian signs. The Vai people spoke a Mande language.


Using the phonetic values of the Vai script, Dr. Winters has been able to decipher the Indus Valley and Linear A writing.  The Sumerian language is closely related to the Dravidian and Mande languages, and the Proto-Sumerian , Libyco-Berber and Vai scripts are similar.  Thus, it is possible to read the script on the Fuente Magna by using the phonetic values of the Vai script. Once Winters had transliterated the Fuente Magna signs, he was able to translate the inscription using the Sumerian language.

DIN.GIR symbol


Olmec head


The decipherment of the inscriptions on the Fuente Magna indicates that it was used to make libations to the Goddess Nia to request fertility, and to offer thanks to the bountiful fauna and flora in the area that made it possible for these Sumerian explorers to support themselves in Bolivia.


Of particular interest is that the people of the Fuente Magna, referred to the Goddess as Nia. Nia, is the Linear-A term for Neith. Neith is the Greek name for the Egyptian Goddess Nt or Neit, Semitic ANAT, Sumerian Inanna. This goddess was very popular among the ancient people of Libya and other parts of Middle Africa, before these people left the region to settle Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and Minoan Crete.


It is believed that the Fuente Magna was probably crafted by Sumerian people who settled in Bolivia sometime after 2500 BC. The Sumerians used seaworthy ships that were known to sail to the distant Indian Subcontinent.  Some Sumerian ships most likely made their way around South Africa and entered one of the currents in the area that lead from Africa across the Atlantic to South America and thence to the Pacific Ocean. 


DNA Testing on 2,000-Year-Old Elongated Paracas Skulls Changes Known 2016


"The elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru caused a stir in 2014 when a geneticist that carried out preliminary DNA testing reported that they have mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Now a second round of DNA testing has been completed and the results are just as controversial – the skulls tested, which date back as far as 2,000 years, were shown to have Middle Eastern Origins."

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